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Im not even a noob yet. Any tech heads around?

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just let me know if your watching this. Its 6am here been up all night trying to find out if i can play this iv been watching frankies youtube videos for some time, im hooked and i havent even played yet ha.

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I'm confused. Are you saying that you're trying to find out if you can play DayZ?

Edited by AussieStig
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in one word yes. Iv played it once in work awhile back but got in trouble over that.

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  On 5/25/2013 at 6:00 AM, Zephlin said:

in one word yes. Iv played it once in work awhile back but got in trouble over that.

Wut....? You played it at work?

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Haha, fair enough.

Well, first things first. Will your computer run the game? Was the computer you played it at work on your own computer? Because you'll need a fairly decent computer to play this game, even though it's not very graphically intense.

You'll need Arma 2: Combined Operations. "Combined Operations" comes with Arma 2, and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead. Both need to be installed. But considering you've already played it once before, I'm going to assume you already have it, or you have an idea of what you'll need.

Next step. The easiest way of installing it will be to download DayZ Commander. You'll need the latest version "Arma 2: 103419" and "DayZ". Once that's downloaded, you should be good to go. FrankieonPC plays several different variations of DayZ, all of which can be downloaded separately through DayZ commander. eg. The episodes where he built a house, drove a boatcar, and played as a female stripper, were all on DayZ Origins. probably the 2nd most popular DayZ mod, after the original.

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well yes it was a good computer, it was the one we were not meant to use ha. I downloaded arma 2 and combined assault first then dazy i think. But i need arrowhead too? So i must have got that also, havnt got the best memory. My main question/problum now is that all iv got is a laptop it plays any other game iv tried but i know arma is a leap ahead of most games. But if i put all the graphics and such down a few notchs would i have a chance of playing it?

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sorry im a bit fried here up all night

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  On 5/25/2013 at 6:19 AM, Zephlin said:

well yes it was a good computer, it was the one we were not meant to use ha. I downloaded arma 2 and combined assault first then dazy i think. But i need arrowhead too? So i must have got that also, havnt got the best memory. My main question/problum now is that all iv got is a laptop it plays any other game iv tried but i know arma is a leap ahead of most games. But if i put all the graphics and such down a few notchs would i have a chance of playing it?

Combined Assault? I've never heard of such a thing before. Maybe you should check exactly what version you bought. You might have the right one. It should be called "Combined Operations" or "Operation Arrowhead"

As for the graphics. Arma 2 can work really well for some, and not so well for others. If you can play every other PC game out there, you shouldn't have a problem. You will be able to fiddle with your settings once you're in the game to make sure you run it as best as possible.

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i meant combined operations sorry... I imagine ghost sniper (i think thats the name) was one of the bigger games its worked on. Cant upgrade the lappy so if it dont work il be forced to upgrade my old windows 98 lmao.

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Combined Operations is a pack, it contains Arma 2 and Arma 2:operation arrowhead which is what you need for dayz.

If your laptop is running windows 98 i'd say your chance's of playing dayz are...pretty non existent , best if you find out what your specs are and post them in this section http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/136657-can-i-run-it-ask-here-2/

Edited by Fluxley
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i heard i can pretty much rip its guts out and build my own computer?

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oh no my laptop runs windows 7 lmao. iv an old computer that you the lads said i could use to build new desktop

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  On 5/25/2013 at 10:00 AM, Zephlin said:

oh no my laptop runs windows 7 lmao. iv an old computer that you the lads said i could use to build new desktop

Ah i see, well still, any PC thats running windows 98 will be so outdated that no new parts would be compatible, apart from the case if its a standard ATX design,

Afraid if your laptop cant run the game then you're looking at getting a completely new PC.

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check the can i play it forum mate if ya wouldnt mind i was looking up stuff on amazon waiting to see if those parts will work then i can click order... thanks

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I run Dayz on my laptop, although on very low quality. Just make sure you are squeezing all the juice out of it, don't have anything else running at the same time, make sure you are running high performance.

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i am stoned most of the time ha, its just a run of the mill emachines tho that will hardly work like? il download the demo version in a few minutes to see what happens

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Just send your computer to me mate, i'll upgrade it for you.

On second thought, if its windows xp, dont worry about it.

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From what you've said here, it doesn't sound like you know much about computers, and from that I would say that your computer won't be able to run DayZ because of a lack of good hardware.

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well iv learned alot in last couple of hours ha its windows 7 tho not xp. its got 2gb RAM which i read on a site is good enough to play. either way when iv got 5 hours to spare il be downloading the game. long download time for me here otherwise id have tried it already.

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and if one someone could check the "can i run it forum" that would be cool, im just waiting on the "go ahead" to get my comp shipped over thanks

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one more thing if i got a lend of somebodys stream account can i play straight away? just something iv heard

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  On 5/25/2013 at 3:09 PM, Zephlin said:

and if one someone could check the "can i run it forum" that would be cool, im just waiting on the "go ahead" to get my comp shipped over thanks

I hate to be less than helpful man, but if you don't check the "can I run it forum" yourself, then I can tell you right now: you will not ever be able to play this game.

It took some IT professionals in this community literally days to get the game running.

You aren't going to be able to do this. Maybe wait for Stand Alone.

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i did i put in my specs i meant could someone look them over. Its cool now anyway. Thanks

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You will never be able to run dayz on 2 GBs of RAM. I can barely play it on 6 GBs of RAM.

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