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Weird Bugs

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Hi, when i joined a server today(any server) i wasnt able to pick up any items but Hatchets, wheels and other car parts. I can not pick up any backpacks, guns, foods or even empty cans. On top of that for pass... 4 mounts i wast able to use my direct communication and lately on some servers i was getting massages like "BattleEyeClient:(Private)Admin Do not use direct(or if im in vehicle "Vehicle") chanel Warnings left: 14. when i use my last warning it kicks me off the server and when i get back on it starts over again starting at 15 warnings. Any idea how to solve these problems?

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Hello there

Crikey! I've not encountered these issues before.

Perhaps a faulty/corrupted install? Have you recently upgraded dayz etc?



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I have not updated dayz for pas... a week i think and my dayz was just fine yesterday, except the direct communication part, this didnt work for like 4 months now and i even reinstalled my entire OS like a month ago and still didnt help, do u think this might have something to do with my cd key than?

Problem with direct communication is that i can not see any one type to me or hear any one speak to me, but they can hear and see what i type to them.

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The direct chat warnings were likely set up by the admin of that server who also likely has a server rule which forbids talk in side chat, but gives you multiple chances to break it before you get kicked.

You say the problem you are having with not being able to pick up certain items occurs on all servers you've tried? Have you tampered at all with the @DayZ Code file on your hard drive? That sounds almost like something is wrong with the fn_selfActions.sqf file located in that code, or it could be something else.

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Um turns out that the problem was accuring on 2 servers both being under attack of a hacker(cheater) but i stil lhave the problem where i can not hear any ones direct chat on ANY server. Help pls.

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