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Beck (DayZ)

[BP] Beck's Privateers - 100% Vanilla!

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BP Vanilla Chernarus




Sporkulus Anti-hax



3rd Person: On

Side Chat: On

Nameplates: Off

Deathmessages: On

Beck's Privateers are proud to announce the opening of our new fully vanilla DayZ server! You will soon find yourself playing the classic DayZ you know and love while under the protection of a well moderated private hive.



Edited by Beck

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Decent player count tonight. Hope to see some new players as well.

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Fantastic Server.

Finally found a Vanilla server with decent population.

Thanks William! I hope to see the population grow over this weekend.

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I love the Vanilla server, now we just need some night time players :)

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Don't waste your time on this server. The tiny population is nothing but childish trolls that are completely unwelcoming to new people.

Also, custom loadouts to donators? Lol.

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Don't waste your time on this server. The tiny population is nothing but childish trolls that are completely unwelcoming to new people.

Also, custom loadouts to donators? Lol.

Have you actually played on our 100% Vanilla Hive? We do not offer donator perks on it BECAUSE it is vanilla. Please take your hate elsewhere and maybe you could have approached me about an issue with another player on the server instead of coming on the forums and blatantly insulting our efforts to provide the community with a nice vanilla server.

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Have you actually played on our 100% Vanilla Hive? We do not offer donator perks on it BECAUSE it is vanilla.

My mistake, I was not on the 100% vanilla server.

Please take your hate elsewhere and maybe you could have approached me about an issue with another player on the server instead of coming on the forums and blatantly insulting our efforts to provide the community with a nice vanilla server.

Now, this is hilarious. If you're going to talk to anyone about "hate," start with the worms that inhabit your server. Had it just been one or two players, I would have gone to an admin with the issue, but it wasn't. You might want to talk to your members about their attitudes, and needlessly bashing people new to your servers so to avoid any further embarrassment, though I have a hard time believing you'll get through to them, as you'll be dealing with a bunch of children, or some extremely immature adults. You may want to suggest that they return to Xbox Live to be with their own kind.

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Now, this is hilarious. If you're going to talk to anyone about "hate," start with the worms that inhabit your server. Had it just been one or two players, I would have gone to an admin with the issue, but it wasn't. You might want to talk to your members about their attitudes, and needlessly bashing people new to your servers so to avoid any further embarrassment, though I have a hard time believing you'll get through to them, as you'll be dealing with a bunch of children, or some extremely immature adults. You may want to suggest that they return to Xbox Live to be with their own kind.

Obviously you are not helping the situation by keeping the names of these players from me. When you say "Members" I assume you mean the players on the server and not Beck's Privateers. If you would actually like to back up your accusations against my server with some names of players, maybe some screenshots so I may take action then so be it. Until then I expect you will not be posting on the forums about my "embarrassment" by the behavior of some players on my server. If it is more than 1 or 2 players I would like a complete list of all players involved. Did you consider maybe you were the cause of aggravation if according to you a large portion of the server was "needlessly bashing" you... Edited by Beck

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Anubis you are clearly a troll yourself, the server is great, the people that did that to you were a bunch randoms, who do not play on this server seriously.

Edited by iGotTrident
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are not you the guy who ran off the rooftop and die twice? then complained about no one wanting to help you with a ride even after asking us 9 times within 3 mins?

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Also, custom loadouts to donators? Lol.

Seeing as how you need to point out that certain settings on our server are not fit to your standards you kind of gave me the impression that you were just putting off hate. Edited by Beck

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Anubis, you need to show some class. You die and get upset that easy? You obviously don't know the game. Death is a part of it. This server has been my home for over a month. Great and fair admin, great anti-hack software, and friendly people. Of course there are bandits, but anyone can be reasoned with.

If death in this game makes you this upset, I recommend you play some CoD.

Edited by Wester

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Anubis you are clearly a troll yourself, the server is great, the people that did that to you were a bunch randoms, who do not play on this server seriously.

Yea, you got me. I'm just here to make people mad. I have that much time on my hands. The players I'm here about are most definitely regulars.

are not you the guy who ran off the rooftop and die twice? then complained about no one wanting to help you with a ride even after asking us 9 times within 3 mins?


Anubis, you need to show some class. You die and get upset that easy? You obviously don't know the game. Death is a part of it. This server has been my home for over a month. Great and fair admin, great anti-hack software, and friendly people. Of course there are bandits, but anyone can be reasoned with.

If death in this game makes you this upset, I recommend you play some CoD.

Um, who said I was mad about dying?

This is the kind of crap I'm talking about. I come here saying that new people are being treated like garbage on your server and all I get is "WHATEVER TROLL" or "HURR UR JUST MAD CUZ U DIED!!1"

It doesn't matter, I don't really care anymore. I'll just avoid your servers and the issue is solved for me,

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How many are usually on during the day/during night?

We usually have 0 people on during the day and 0 people on during the night on our vanilla server.

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