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From an Eve-Online Player...

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u CAN NOT compare the 2

rancer vs elektra? no

spaceships, skillpoints, hanger, ISK, etc vs zombies, guns, food, FPS with servers? no

this i will say is "comparable" tho

In all honesty Eve and dayz are really the only 2 popular games that truly offer risk/reward PvP. PvP where you get the shakes after you win.

after that tho. not comparable

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100% agree. I am totaly in love with this mod. Best thing to spent 25€ on. Just played for 7 1/2 hours with a friend. Now all I need are some more of my friends playing. Playing solo was a blast last weekend (got it on friday) but playing it with friends is the shit³. I guess Arma 2 sales went up quite a bit. At least three of us bought/will buy it till this weekend.

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I was comparing the 2 from a pvP perspective only. They are stunningly similar in that regard. if you disagree then you have no idea what you are talking about.

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One year online time in Eve here......

And i love this game and i can see the resembles between the games as well. There is only a two games that gets the adrenaline going for me and that's Eve and Dayz (Sandbox, Open PvP and dying does hurt, as it should) . But I have lost my adrenaline in Eve since the PLEX changed everything. ISK lost its value in Eve and that ruined everything (and they are dumbing it down to fit a larger audience). Wish I could roll the game back.... It f*cking rocked. I just hope Rocket won't lose concept for money like CCP did.

But i'm not a "bitter vet" anymore, I found Dayz and i'm happy to be here in the beginning and see things evolve into a standalone game.

You're also comparing a game that's been released for 9 years now and has a full development team behind it versus a mod in it's alpha stage. Not really worth the argument.

I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing. Eve had it's glory days when it was a small team, and then it just got worse and worse.

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Started eve in 2005 and still playing with some breaks here and there.

But i think dayz will appeal to alot of eve players just because of the fact that dyeing means losing everything.. Offcourse in eve most players have more ships standing by but still if you get blown up in a ship worth a few billion its gonna hurt. (I know there are some insanely rich people on eve but i ain't one of them) .

The real big difference is on dayz you can be running thru the woods just minding your own business far away from any major player invested hell hole when all of a sudden.... BOOM your dead.... That one guy with a sniper rifle you did not notice just gave you a new eye socket in your skull.

In eve this does not happen that much since we have our nice "local" chat which not only serves as our smack talk output machine but as our spidey sense telling us to get out of dodge because danger is probably close. I would love to see what would happen to eve if they removed local chat but thats such a old topic by now i doubt that will ever happen.

Anyway although dayz and eve are far apart in in terms of setting they have so much similar in terms of rules of engagement and the consequences,so i am not surprised alot of eve players are on dayz.

Greetz Solid

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@Solid.nl, you mean to tell me you never got caught in a gate camp (died within seconds), got hit by doomsday, or primaried by a fleet (fleet vs fleet) battle in popped in a single volley.... did you stay in high sec solid? I would equate ^ these situations to being caught by a sniper / server jumper. I once killed a 4 billion isk partially faction/officer fit golem in a class 4 wormhole, him and his tengu friend were running WH sites... we probed them out and slaughtered them.... no local population update in a WH...

While not as useful as local chat (giving population etc), side chat is full of intel/propaganda/ the usual eve banter.

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yeah dayz and eve are very similar in what emotions they bring, dayz just has about half the smack talk and unfortunately no picture spam.

when you know a player is near you in dayz you concentrate more are more cautious, you know you may get killed soon and have to start again.

in eve forming up for fleet fights is the same, you know you probably won't make it back if the rumours are true, 'we're up against 150 today guys' that's when the shakes start.

for dayz the shakes start when you've seen another player and your wondering if they've seen you.

strangely though eve losses do cost a bit more in terms of time, the time it takes to get all the loot you want in dayz is about the time it takes to farm a drake's worth of isk.

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Anyone else see that there is an Iceland server that says it is hosted by CCP? Joined it the other night, I think it was brand new, but like a CCP hosted server, it was silky smooth.

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i used to be a space explorer like you too , then i got a goon swarm to the knee

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I currently play eve. Yea this game is a lot harder now than it used to be but its no where comparable to eve online. Eve is its own game and no other games that exist today compare not one bit. Eve is awesome if your flying with the right group of people.

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DayZ is not a hard game if you play with no real interest in staying alive. Its a great death match game with zombies. The biggest difference DayZ has over other death match games is that you have to start over with each death...usually you just re spawn.

In reference to Eve Online - it is a much harder game than DayZ. I will be quite disappointed if Rocket and BI are trying to imitate Eve in anyway. EVE has a very small player base due to many design decisions about how the game works. I hope they will try and make DayZ enjoyable to a much larger audience. (I won't go into Eve's flaws here...they are not the point)

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Not taking anything away from Eve at all, its a fantastic game. And has many differences to DayZ, their are the obvious ones eg zombies, fps etc etc.

But their was three things that made eve different to me than any other game.

1.Single Server. This cant be understated, it is awesome knowing you are in the same universe as everyone else. Not worrying about joining different servers to see friends etc.

2.The never ending level cap. The fact that no matter how much sp you have they will jsut release new ships, mods and tasks in game to keep you constantly training and checking evemon.

3. The risk/reward of pvp. Now this is what were debating in this thread. Its hard to calculate the risk in eve though, due to it being dependent on what ship your flying at said time etc. Of course if you have a cap ship (that insured by the corp/alliance) and you paid for it. Yes its a high risk situation to take that into a fleet fight. But again you will have a back up ship! You dont start from scratch. There has been deaths in this game where people have had weeks (not sure about month/s) on their character with all the best loot in the game, and have lost it all to start again with a flashlight.

Yes if you spawn in the right place you can get decent gear within sometimes 5 mintues, but the chances of finding night vision googles, gps, m107 and a scoped FN FAL etc etc. Is extremely unlikely to get within a couple of days.

Also when you think about it the reward for pvp in eve was minimal! Mostly it was just for the rush and bragging rights on kb's. At least in DayZ loot isnt destroyed, which gives more incentive to pew pew.

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I hope they will try and make DayZ enjoyable to a much larger audience.

I totally disagree with that, doing that would almost certainly mean a dumb down and that would be a disaster for this game. I recall one shootout I had, I could barely aim with the mouse my hands where shaking so much. What game, except perhaps eve gives that level of emotion.

(Also an EVE player btw, only played it for the few months leading up to monoclegate)

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Another Torothin post I can't downvote.

I agree that many aspects of the experience are similar to EVE, most importantly where most of the time playing is spent doing uneventful things such as traveling, stuff in stations, ratting (kill me now), loot towns stealthily killing the occasional zombie, etc... . After all that normally boring stuff, that one battle that lasts a minute maybe two (longer for fleet battles in EVE) that gets your adrenaline pumping, giving you intense fun, and then when it is over you realize your hands are shaking. Those of you who know what I'm talking about will understand, the rest might not.

As a side note, risk in EVE might not scale on the same level as DayZ since you don't actually lose everything, just the ship you're piloting at the time but that alone might not be the only thing on the line. An example of this could be battles that decide sovereignty over systems and such. Also while many of us might be space rich enough to not care much about ship loss, EVE still allows complete asset loss if you're not careful or don't follow the golden rule.

EDIT: Forgot to add corp theft and scamming which usually leaves the affected parties with nothing (sweet tears on the Oranj).

-Raz (yes I signed my post, deal with it)

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@Solid.nl' date=' you mean to tell me you never got caught in a gate camp (died within seconds), got hit by doomsday, or primaried by a fleet (fleet vs fleet) battle in popped in a single volley.... did you stay in high sec solid? I would equate ^ these situations to being caught by a sniper / server jumper. I once killed a 4 billion isk partially faction/officer fit golem in a class 4 wormhole, him and his tengu friend were running WH sites... we probed them out and slaughtered them.... no local population update in a WH...

While not as useful as local chat (giving population etc), side chat is full of intel/propaganda/ the usual eve banter.


I have been in all those situations, but except for WH space which indeed is something where things can really surprise you all the others things can be seen coming..

Gate camps, well if i move thru 0 sec thru enemy territory i am not going to be that surprised when i run into a gate camp and when moving high value items i have a scout with me. Still not the same as just out of nowhere getting your head blown off.

Being primaried... Seriously if i am in a large fleet i expect fully to be called and killed at some point or another so again not really the same.

Some titan dropping in and killing me, nowadays i will probably go... huh look a titan how pretty... Hes not going to pop me with his doomsday because he cant...Unless i am in my carrier or dread but that has not yet happened. But if we are talking about the old doomsday that could blow up entire fleets within a 250KM radius.... Yeah that could come as a surprise seeing that cyno go up and next thing you know your dead.

But most of these situations you can see coming in advance with the exception of being in WH space and not keeping a good eye on your scanner. The surprise factor in dayz is far more exciting then in eve its not like it does not happen at all in eve but most of the time you have a pretty good idea where people are and what they are about to do and will show up.

Greetz Solid

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EVE is a great game, been playing it for 5 years but DayZ is way superior for me because you dont need to learn some abstract game mechanics to get into the heat. As soon as you log into Dayz for the first time you know whats up! Thanks Rocket!

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Registered just to post in this thread :)

I have been going on to friends about the similarity between the two for a while, there's obviously big differences but it certain respects they are very similar. One thing Dayz has over Eve is the level playing field and relatively quick pace of being able to go and find some pvp action, its not hard to pick up a rifle and head to the nearest town looking for a kill. As stated earlier anyone with a makarov can kill even the most highly geared player, that is not true in eve remotely. Dayz has a much higher risk, I know its relatively easy to get decent gear again but in eve you have ship insurance, completely safe gear stashed away in a station, and all your accumalted skillpoints to fall back on, you currently can never have completely safe gear in Dayz.

In Eve the level of content and scope for exploring are obviously huge in comparison to Dayz and also the player impact on the environment is much greater. I am sure there are plans to add more content into Dayz over time, My hope is they can keep creating larger maps and more players per server as they continue to introduce new content, being able to take and hold buildings would be amazing although I dont want this to head down the mmo grind route. Of the two I have had a lot more fun playing Dayz than Eve but obviously thats just a personal preference thing. I did play eve over a few years.

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One of the biggest thing the two games have in common is the ability for large groups of people to monopolise areas and materials of the game. Eve is fine with this because that's part of what it's for, but it kind of breaks DayZ when a Clan joins a server with its more limited player count.

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Ex eve player.

Have to say Day z is more brutal. Very hard to stash stuff properly (tents and vehicles) other than that when you die in pvp or pve you lose everything. At least with eve you would have x amount of pve ships and x amount of pvp ships.

And easily replace said ships with isk.

None of that in day z lol

Also no empire space. Its like if all of day z is nullsec.

that reminds me... someone could make a insurance company....... :exclamation:

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iv heard of eve online but i never played it and yes this game rocks i will probably get arma 3 if they release this mod for it because in arma 3 you can go in every building :D

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I hope they will try and make DayZ enjoyable to a much larger audience.

I totally disagree with that' date=' doing that would almost certainly mean a dumb down and that would be a disaster for this game. I recall one shootout I had, I could barely aim with the mouse my hands where shaking so much. What game, except perhaps eve gives that level of emotion.

(Also an EVE player btw, only played it for the few months leading up to monoclegate)


By larger audience I do not mean dumbing the game down to uselessness. The game needs to tend toward a true survivor type of environment. If it remains just another death match game with zombies it will not remain so popular.

As long as the average life in the game is 32 minutes it will be hard to convince me that the game is more than a death match environment to most of the players.

Besides; isn't BI in this to make money?

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