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Uncle Zed

How does night affect zedz/AI

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I was wondering how the night cycle affects zedz and AI's ability to see/hear you? I haven't played too much at night and I was just curious.

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uhmm, Zeds are AI.

Also it does affect the AIs Vision (assuming they don't have NVGs.)

But can still hear you fine.

Edited by GOD™

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uhmm, Zeds are AI.

Also it does affect the AIs Vision (assuming they don't have NVGs.)

But can still hear you fine.

Guess you never heard of Sarge's AI mod, with AI soldiers, heros and bandits? That's the AI I'm referring to.

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Pretty much go full retard but running on cement can still draw aggro which can be a bugger to loose in the dark you can't see where to hide properlly.

Funny paradox. Aggro more in the day, easier to loose. Less aggro at night, harder to loose.

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Guess you never heard of Sarge's AI mod, with AI soldiers, heros and bandits? That's the AI I'm referring to.

Then be more specific ;)

Dunno, if they are just like vanilla ArmAs AI then yeah their hearing is fine and their vision is slightly dumbed down at night.

Edited by GOD™

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Night affects the vision. but the question i want rectified is: Why doesn't a flashlight agro Zeds?

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Night affects the vision. but the question i want rectified is: Why doesn't a flashlight agro Zeds?

It's only a mod. ;)

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You can sprint and not be seen by them. They can still hear you though.

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You can sprint and not be seen by them. They can still hear you though.

Yep...and when they hear you, they'll lock on like a javelin missile.

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Yep...and when they hear you, they'll lock on like a javelin missile.

I remember one time when I accidentally ran on road (During night) and had flares equipped. So my first reaction was to kill the zed. Since I couldn't see what was happening in the dark and it took so long to attack, I pressed the attack key repeatedly. Then my character started spamming flares and I couldn't move. Knocked out + eaten.

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Pretty much go full retard but running on cement can still draw aggro which can be a bugger to loose in the dark you can't see where to hide properlly.

Funny paradox. Aggro more in the day, easier to loose. Less aggro at night, harder to loose.

"loose" lol.

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@ The OP

I had Sarge's AI installed for a week or two. Enjoyed it much until I was killed several times in a row by bandit AI that I never saw or heard until I was bleeding out. You can remove bandit AI, tweak it to be easier, etc. I just got rid of it. The bandit helicopter borne AI seems to have superhuman senses at night, in fog, etc. Just a bit too frustrating in my opinion.

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