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Would this run DayZ?

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I'm building a new computer mainly to play DayZ with a higher frame rate, and a few other games, but that's beside the point. I just want to know if this build would run DayZ on normal/high settings with post-process and anti-aliasing turned off, of course.

Intelcore i3-3220 dual core 3.3 ghz

Nvidia GTX 650TI 1024mb

8gb corsair vengeance ram

If you need anymore specs to determine whether or not I can run it or not, just ask.

EDIT: Also, I had no idea where to put this, so I put it here. If this is the incorrect place, I apologize, and you may either delete the thread, or move it to the correct place, whatever you feel need be.

Edited by nickpicks56
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Alright, I'll look into it. However, what kind of FPS do you think I'd get in cities etc. with an I3? I'll likely be getting an I5 for my birthday.

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I would say yes, but perhaps with occasional lag at 35-50 FPS. Your detail settings will run perfectly fine on that given that you're CPU is running 3+ GHz which is basically all that ArmA needs.

As for the i5, that's not necessary but will have a big impact on your gameplay. I would recommend (especially for ArmA II) getting an i5 3550 or later. :)

Edited by JSparks

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