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I spawned in kemenka and found a shotgun in a custom firehouse. Going to loot a supermarket and i find a survivor. Going the kill the guy and run i start to open fire. He breaks my legs and i kill him and he sits there for 5 minutes raging and telling me how im a dick and he is going to devote his night to killing me. I tell them that he is, in fact, just mad, and how he ISN'T going to devote his night in killing me. To prove my point I log and say to myself "Good Luck Finding Me..."

So... am i really the dick he says I am or is he just mad.

You Decide!

Edited by Kiba Inuzuka
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Why Log ? Embrace the Hate, This is why i only play PvP they can scream all they want

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HAHA raging piece of shit. you did the right thing, i'm surprised you didn't rage he broke your legs.

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HAHA raging piece of shit. you did the right thing, i'm surprised you didn't rage he broke your legs.

Nah, I don't rage. I am really calm in real life and look at things logically. My calmness tends to make them more upset as well.

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Why Log ? Embrace the Hate, This is why i only play PvP they can scream all they want

None of my friends were up and after that there was NO way anyone would get me some morphine. So i guess wait till tomorrow till I could get someone to get me a bloodbag and morphine.

Edited by Kiba Inuzuka
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Yeah I'm actually pretty calm too. It's funny when you compliment people after killing you and they get mad.

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I spawned in kemenka and found a shotgun in a custom firehouse. Going to loot a supermarket and i find a survivor. Going the kill the guy and run i start to open fire. He breaks my legs and i kill him and he sits there for 5 minutes raging and telling me how im a dick and he is going to devote his night to killing me. I tell them that he is, in fact, just mad, and how he ISN'T going to devote his night in killing me. To prove my point I log and say to myself "Good Luck Finding Me..."

So... am i really the dick he says I am or is he just mad.

You Decide!

Why would you open fire without communication?

It's people like you that ruin the dayz experience. Banditry is a valid tactic but why not play wasteland if all you do is shoot people on sight?

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Why would you open fire without communication?

It's people like you that ruin the dayz experience. Banditry is a valid tactic but why not play wasteland if all you do is shoot people on sight?

I see it this way. He has or may have something I need. I want it and hes not likely to give it to me, that compounded with the fact that making my presence known makes it even more likely that he will kill me. so stay quiet, kill him and when im done taking what I want, I leave his body for him to come back too. (the way I see it)

Edited by Whatsausername
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Why would you open fire without communication?

It's people like you that ruin the dayz experience. Banditry is a valid tactic but why not play wasteland if all you do is shoot people on sight?

I was new tothis server and i wanted to get a bandit skin as quick as possible. I would of tricked him but my headset wasnt on and I was too lazy to put it on, so I just shot him. Most people are KOS anyway, so I dont't trust anybody.

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I see it this way. He has or may have something I need. I want it and hes not likely to give it to me, that compounded with the fact that making my presence known makes it even more likely that he will kill me. so stay quiet, kill him and when im done taking what I want, I leave his body for him to come back too. (the way I see it)

And its THIS kind of mentality as to why you get SOS. Its a cycle thats idiotic and for the weak.

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And its THIS kind of mentality as to why you get SOS. Its a cycle thats idiotic and for the weak.

Im Playing as a Bandit, and sometimes its just too much effort to trick them.I want to kill the guy so I just shoot him. People killing you is just part of the game. Whether I care to tell someone I'm going to shoot them or if i just shoot them doesn't matter. Every time I die i just sit there for a minute looking at the "You Are Dead" screen, Then I Start Anew and pretend my death never happened. I am a known bandit on the server because i killed someone with a macarov when I first started playing. In my mind the outcome will be the same. Whether its me who kills the guy or another bandit down the road, It does not matter.Its not like a sniper is going to go like "OMG IZ BE SNIPING YOU IN CHRENOZ OMGZ". Nowhere in the rules does it say I HAVE to talk to people. I usually do, but in this case its different. If your play style is different then mine,just PLEASE don't be this guy.

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Im Playing as a Bandit, and sometimes its just too much effort to trick them.I want to kill the guy so I just shoot him. People killing you is just part of the game. Whether I care to tell someone I'm going to shoot them or if i just shoot them doesn't matter. Every time I die i just sit there for a minute looking at the "You Are Dead" screen, Then I Start Anew and pretend my death never happened. I am a known bandit on the server because i killed someone with a macarov when I first started playing. In my mind the outcome will be the same. Whether its me who kills the guy or another bandit down the road, It does not matter.Its not like a sniper is going to go like "OMG IZ BE SNIPING YOU IN CHRENOZ OMGZ". Nowhere in the rules does it say I HAVE to talk to people. I usually do, but in this case its different. If your play style is different then mine,just PLEASE don't be this guy.

Your missing the point.

Banditry is a a playstyle used for "clever" players who want to maximize the experience. (think the walking dead governor)

What you have described is someone who is caught up in battlefield/cod and decides that every situation can be solved by shooting. Then they bitch about getting killed when they ask for help.

Ask ANY long playing/ high quality player. They will agree

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Your missing the point.

Banditry is a a playstyle used for "clever" players who want to maximize the experience. (think the walking dead governor)

What you have described is someone who is caught up in battlefield/cod and decides that every situation can be solved by shooting. Then they bitch about getting killed when they ask for help.

Ask ANY long playing/ high quality player. They will agree

While I'm not a fan of KOS and generally agree with what you say it is still HIGHLY opinionated for a sandbox game.

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And its THIS kind of mentality as to why you get SOS. Its a cycle thats idiotic and for the weak.

I believe the KOS mentality stems primarily from lack of trust. Also what I wrote was in reference to the situation given. I personally do not kill every one I see, I simply kill those I deem it necessary. But that aside I have to agree with Mr. Dixon

Banditry is a a playstyle used for "clever" players who want to maximize the experience. (think the walking dead governor)

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Ya... Not a huge fan of COD, and im just doing what i want in a sandbox. I was lazy and didn't bother. doesn't matter. I never asked anybody if they liked how I play. I just didnt bother to talk to him. Thats all.

Im less bandit as I am more of a troll. Setting an elaborate trap is hard, and coastal cuties rage when they die after they died. I'd rather save my efforts for people who are already geared up.

What you have described is someone who is caught up in battlefield/cod and decides that every situation can be solved by shooting.

I'm Not solving anything. I have played DayZ for a while now and like to think of it as a "social experiment". I know what makes who mad. Coastal Cuties (freshspawns whatever) don't like to be killed really quickly, while better geared players don't like to be played.

I am NOT a SOS person. I always have the full intention on killing someone when i see them. But Just gunning wastes all my precious ammo away. Coastal Cuties rage when they die and rage less if they die while being played.

Also may I ask you do NOT turn this thread into a question in whether or not Shoot on sight ruins DayZ. There is many other treads for that and I personally believe that SOS is just a part of the game and is an action people do out of fear. Its not going away. O.K. I Said It.

Someone lock/delete this thread


Edited by Kiba Inuzuka
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I agree with Darryl Dixon,

Dayz is no longer unique since people use the game to KOS. So by now it’s just 'another shooter game', the difference? You have to eat and drink.. woah.. big deal.

We should at least have one type of survivor that are not allowed to shoot at other players or by shoot by other players without provocation. A children skin for example. If a player steal the ATV of the kid, the kid can open fire, if a bandit want the ATV of the kid, to kid must comply or be shot, etc. Just a little something to 'tag' a player so the rest of the server will know that this person want a realism experience without beings shoot down at every corners (the thing that remind us that this is just an unrealistic game). Seriously, 3 AKM shot on the back of the kid or a .50 bullet in the head just because he is breathing? Yeah.. sure, that how 99% of the population will react in a post-apocalyptic outbreak without even considering other option like training the kid to become your food runner while you cover him.

[edited]: But I have to add that Kiba Inuzuka is not 'all wrong' since many of us are now forced to KOS on normal servers. So in the same situation, who know, I could have reacted the same way. God bless the COD generation for their great contribution on this 'survivor simulation game'..

Edited by SixGunLover
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I agree with Darryl Dixon,

Dayz is no longer unique since people use the game to KOS. So by now it’s just 'another shooter game', the difference? You have to eat and drink.. woah.. big deal.

We should at least have one type of survivor that are not allowed to shoot at other players or by shoot by other players without provocation. A children skin for example. If a player steal the ATV of the kid, the kid can open fire, if a bandit want the ATV of the kid, to kid must comply or be shot, etc. Just a little something to 'tag' a player so the rest of the server will know that this person want a realism experience without beings shoot down at every corners (the thing that remind us that this is just an unrealistic game). Seriously, 3 AKM shot on the back of the kid or a .50 bullet in the head just because he is breathing? Yeah.. sure, that how 99% of the population will react in a post-apocalyptic outbreak without even considering other option like training the kid to become your food runner while you cover him.

Do you even read? I asked this to NOT be about this. I asked whether or not you thought I was a dick. I never asked how much you care about my methods.

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I have edited the last part of my previous post just before just post your. But you know, this a forum, a lot of discussion can be create around a single word.

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Do you even read? I asked this to NOT be about this. I asked whether or not you thought I was a dick. I never asked how much you care about my methods.

were you a dick? not in my opinion, if you had shot him in his legs and ran off, or knocked him out and taken his stuff (not killing him) then you would be a dick.

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Alright... I tried not SOS and got mowed in two seconds... Ya... so rather safe than sorry I guess..

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Your not in the wrong, whilst playing I don't indulge in such play style but I love guys that do ;)

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Im Playing as a Bandit, and sometimes its just too much effort to trick them.

Not really....

Quite easy as long as you don't start pointing a gun at them.

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Not really....

Quite easy as long as you don't start pointing a gun at them.

But sometimes even logging in is too much effort :)

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Honestly, There are too many people who KOS, Its for a good reason. When DayZ standalone comes out me and my friend are going full dont shoot unless shot upon style seeing as we've always been full kill on sight bandits except for in the beginning, Too many people in this game just know that they will be shot upon because its turned into COD, So lets hope everyone else tries not to be KOS either and REAL bandits instead of just shooting, Thats not banditry.

Btw kiba, I know you said to stop saying our opinions of this.

Troll has just been trolled

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