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Show who talks in side chat?

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Hello, This is just a simple question, On some servers if someone talks in side chat it shows the name of the person using it, On my server I must have that disabled as I can never see who is talking, and when the server is busy its impossible for me to deal with people talking and not knowing who to warn/kick. Please let me know which file to edit or change so I can change this:) Thank you:)

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Server's difficulty setting is the easiest way, if you aren't playing on Recruit already. Or find your dayz.config or server.config or whatever and open it with Notepad++ (or other program) and find the settings for difficulty presets. You can change VOIP identification on or off.

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We've got the same issue on our server and the VonID=1 doesn't appear to work, which therefore led me to the conclusion that the server is pointing to a different difficulty config file. If I find out that is the case then its another indication that our already muppetry server hosts are a bunch of right klaxons.

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in your mission files init.sqf

find this

//disable greeting menu
player setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true];
//disable radio messages to be heard and shown in the left lower corner of the screen
enableRadio false;

does yours look like this? or is "enableRadio false;" commented out? (//enableRadio false;)

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