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Beck (DayZ)

[BP] Major Updates Are Coming!!!

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Ohai everyone!

Alright so, I've been talking to Beck and we decided to get our own Dedicated Server, this means: No more DayZ.ST!

So, this process is going to take a few hours for me to complete, since Beck leaves the whole setup process in my hands. There are lots of things to be done on this server.

Server Specs:

2 x Intel Xeon L5420 Quad-Core (2 x 4 @ 2.5 Ghz)


1 TB Disk Space

100 Mbps Network Port.

Location: North Carolina

What to be done:

Move Website.

Move MySQL Server.

Move FTP Server.

Move Mail Server.

Move TeamSpeak Server.

Move DayZ Chernarus Server.

Install Minecraft Server.

Possibly install another DayZ Server.

Install my custom server scripts to optimize the machine for good hosting.


1. This server is VERY powerful. In fact, the most powerful server I've ever Administrated. It has two processors in it, with high clock speed, a total of 2x12 MB cache, 2x4 cores, 2x8 threads. Lots of RAM and Disk Space.

2. The DayZ Server is going to be ALOT smoother as we will no longer be on a shared hosting with DayZ.ST's other customers. The server restarts is only gonna take a few seconds and we will be able to increase the max players to whatever amount we want!

3. The DayZ Server will get a new IP-Address.

4. I will forward the domain name to the new server so the IP to the teamspeak will stay the same, except the port should be removed. Don't connect to becks-privateers.com:9995, simply use becks-privateers.com instead.

I will post a new thread once this whole process is done. We are still waiting to get access to the new server as it's pending setup.

This will be the biggest change BP has encounted so far, and for the good!

Regards, Sven.

Don't know where this belongs on the DayZ forums... (Does it?)



Edited by Beck

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nice, moving seems like alo tof work though.

It will be worth every second of downtime.

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Server is now undergoing maintenance as we move to our new dedicated box.

[Maintenance Complete]


Edited by Beck

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