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Which PC?

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I would like to buy a PC for my birthday. I am willing to spend around 400-500 quid and I would rather buy it prebuilt as I am scared of braking a part. The pc should be able to run dayz at high settings.

Thanks in advance for helping

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try this site, from what I have seen the bundles they sell are pretty good value (you wouldnt save much building the same pc yourself) http://www.freshtechsolutions.co.uk/

You want a quadcore cpu at 3+ ghz and a half decent gpu, I do not think you will get highest setting on that budget Im afraid

aim for i5 3570k or the amd equivalent and a half decent graphics card like a 560 ti or equivalent, this is prob the recommended for smooth dayz at med settings

Edited by Aitchy
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Go with what he is saying.

Chances are this thread will get spammed with build your own suggestions

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on that budget i would recommend an amd cpu. better performance for the price you pay. if your in the uk google computer planet, they have good deals on sometimes and its where i bought mine before i knew anything about pc's. that was a few months ago and since then i have upgraded it myself, once you take a look inside its just common sense installing new hardware.

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I'd recommend going to the Tom's hardware forum for advice, just to double-check before you buy anything.

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If you want a PC in small budget, then Tech2cool online stoe is perfect place for you. You can get variety of computer parts here in affordable budget.


I think this thread might be a little old... look at the date it was posted.

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