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gimmie gear

Looking for 1-2 EXPERIENCED guys

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Im looking for 1-2 guys to play with me on breaking point who also has a lot of experience at the game who is mature, 18+, and can laugh.

For me I have been playing sense release im a full time bandit i engage anyone (depending on the fresh spawns gear) i dont not use heli's maybe every now and then a car/ural and the only gear i carry is whats on my back :)

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im 15 but mature im a expierenced banit

Odd question, did they ever release the files to do a manual install?

sorry reqq i hear to many kids voices on side chat aready :(

and wtf sausage???


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yeah no sorry iv played arma 2 for a long while before i played dayz and that was just a simple downloading lol :\

so ok not really release but iv played for little over a year and a half so :\ might as well be release the way i see it lol

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Im interested, im 30 years old and experianced...I ushually stay north and enjoy tacticle engagements. Have been looking for some people to joing with that will take an engagement as serious as i do but able to have a laught or two on our down time. I have some of the prefernces with no heli or ushually no vehciles.. im looking more for squad play.

also playing breaking point at this time and imon in the evenings

Edited by TheErebus

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dude, not telling you to lift age limit, but people can be mature even tho they arent 18+

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dont know if you want to play with me because im 16 experianced, and mature. I've been playing dayz on and off for over 6-7 months probably over 300 hours mainly play on chernarus or taviana, and the occasional namalsk

i enjoy squad play more then soloing, ive been playing breaking point for around 2 weeks now and ive found 1-2 to play with and if you wanna hop on with us today or someother time that would be cool.

i dont know if you like this or not, but i generally kill on site unless they're complete new spawns

i enjoy sniping, overwatching, etc. i can do cqb but not as good at it!

on breaking point i have a dmr, and a hk-16 cco

Edited by ignaetua

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