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Dayz-Multi Mod Clan ANTI-Bandit Unit (CLA) Czech Liberation Army - Tactical Realism

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Gray Lines Gaming Wants You!

GLG Gaming is an active community with an incredible admin team and an amazing player base.

We aren't a clan, but a place for YOUR clan/squad to play.

We have a teamspeak and are accepting groups of all types.

Teamspeak: voice.graylinesgaming.com

Forums: graylinesgaming.com

And we want YOU.

I'm not an admin, a staff member, or a moderator. I'm just a player of this community, and I would love to see more people on.

We have a private hive server, that regulars 20+ players everyday.

All Clans are welcome.

And how about this. If YOUR group joins us, we will give a free protected base to stash your gear and hang around with you team. The only requirement is that your group is active on the server. IT'S THAT EASY!

Server IP:

If you come on and wish to set up a channel in teamspeak and a base in game, speak to Cruber or Cypher.

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thanks for the offer chaney but i just bough a 50 slot ts server for the clan for 3 months atleast so no thanks for know

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