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Looking to join/create a tactical bandit squad

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Hello, I'm looking to join or create a squad (of 4 players preferably) in hopes of just having fun and eventually gearing up enough to have fair control over a home server that we choose. I primarily play Vanilla DayZ, but I can move to others (Breaking Point, Origins, etc.). I'm in EST timezone and am available between the hours of 4pm-1am on weekdays and 12pm-whenever on weekends.


-Must be at least 16 years old

-Must be a resident of USA or Canada

-Must have a working mic of good quality

-Must speak clear English

-Must have Skype/TS3 (I have no TS3 server, so unless you do, Skype is preferred)

-Must be fairly available during my times listed

Please fill out the application below.





How long have you played the game:

Which "DayZ" do you play? (Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, etc.):

What is your favourite gun:

What is your playstyle:

What is your favourite role:

What are your strenghts:

What are your weaknesses:

What is your in-game name:

What is your Skype username:

Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you:

If I find your application intriguing I will contact you via Skype or post here.

Thanks for taking your time to fill out the application.

Edited by Deithor

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Hello, I'm looking to join or create a squad (of 4 players preferably) in hopes of just having fun and eventually gearing up enough to have fair control over a home server that we choose. I primarily play Vanilla DayZ, but I can move to others (Breaking Point, Origins, etc.). I'm in EST timezone and am available between the hours of 4pm-1am on weekdays and 12pm-whenever on weekends.


-Must be at least 16 years old

-Must be a resident of USA or Canada

-Must have a working mic of good quality

-Must have Skype/TS3 (I have no TS3 server, so unless you do, Skype is prefered)

-Must be fairly available during my times listed

Please fill out the application below.



Occupation:School and Football

Timezone:UTC GMT -10

How long have you played the game:8 Months

Which "DayZ" do you play? (Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, etc.):Vanilla Private Hive

What is your favourite gun: SA-58 ACOG

What is your playstyle: Bandit

What is your favourite role:Whatever is needed to help obtain beans

What are your strengths: Short to medium range engagments

What are your weaknesses: Long range engagement

What is your in-game name: Linguine(Probably change)

What is your Skype username: Midgetnamedgordo or Snoop Liony Lion

Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you: Flew a biplane into an hostile clans camp ;)

I have a home server that I really don't want to leave but if you're interested I think you'll like it :rolleyes:

Also the server I play on they have their own TS but I have no preference.

Edited by midgetnamedgordo

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Age: 17

Location:Michigan, USA



How long have you played the game:Over A year

Which "DayZ" do you play? (Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, etc.):Origins, Vanilla, everyting really

What is your favourite gun: DMR, m4cco

Playstyle: If someone is in my way of survival, KILL HIM

What is your favourite role:Sniper, Medic

What are your strenghts: I am a good shot,and I have a lot of experience (arma 2 mislim clans)

What are your weaknesses:I am impatient sometimes, but hopefully with teammates that will counteract my impatience

What is your in-game name: LieutenantSmurf

What is your Skype username: Jaboba1123

Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you: I was on panthera with a friend, we were running around arnolstein and we came across a tent that was VERY well hidden inside of a rock. Its contents were a DMR, 2 as50's, 15 Nato mags, nvgs, dmr mags, rangefinder, really everything we ask could for. Then we went on a killing rampage for the next week.

Edited by LieutenantSmurf

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Age: 16

Location: United States

Occupation: Student

Timezone: EST

How long have you played the game: Nearly 7 months

Which "DayZ" do you play? (Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, etc.): Vanilla, however I'm willing to try other versions.

What is your favourite gun: CZ 550

What is your playstyle: I play very stealthily. I also love to play with tactics.

What is your favourite role: Sniper/spotter

What are your strenghts: Sniping and stealth. I am pretty good with an assault rifle as well.

What are your weaknesses: Close quarters. I'm not much of a "rush into the middle of the city" type of dude.

What is your in-game name: MakinMeCrazyMan

What is your Skype username: ronny.zombles

Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you: A friend and I were doing some sniping beside Stary and we saw a small squad of bandits. There were 4 bandits with assault rifles and sub machine guns. We decided that instead of doing the usual spotter/sniper team we'd go with a sniper/sniper playstyle. After popping our first shots into the men in the front of the group(nearly 650+ meters) the bandits decided to zig zag off. We managed to pick off one and the last one was a bit tough. By this time he was nearly 750 meters away. He went behind cover near a house and I waited. After I saw him run through a few cracks between the houses I relaxed, aimed a millidot up and two to the left of him and popped a bullet right in his head. Probably one of my best/classic kills I've had. I'd like to think I could do it again, and that it wasn't just luck.

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Age: 16

Location: United States

Occupation: N/A

Timezone: EST

How long have you played the game: A year

Which "DayZ" do you play? (Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, etc.): Vanilla, however I'm willing to try other versions.

What is your favourite gun: AKM

What is your playstyle: I play very stealthily. I also love to play with tactics.

What is your favourite role: Pilot, Close combat

What are your strenghts: Piloting, love it. very good also..

What are your weaknesses: dont like to wait around

What is your in-game name: Oliver Ridel

What is your Skype username: monk2007monk

Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you: Was playing Solo, had a little bird. There was about 6 guys in NEAF looting around, so I flew in quickly landed and took out one of them with a DMR, hopped back into my heli and took off again flying around to spot the others.. they called their friends in ans they had a MI17, I flew my little bird into their MI17 and ejected at the last second.. killed 3 of them in the crash.. once i landed i ran into the hangers where 1 more guy with a FAL shot me once so i lit him up with my DMR.. as i was getting bandaged the rest of them rushed in and killed me. wish i had it on FRAPs :(

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Age: 16 (almost 17)

Location: East Coast U.S.A.

Occupation: School...

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

How long have you played the game: Since early July

Which "DayZ" do you play? (Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, etc.): Wanting to play origins since standard dayz is getting dull

What is your favourite gun: Dmr/m14 combo

What is your playstyle: Stealth, no rambo shit

What is your favourite role: sniper/ assault

What are your strenghts: everything really, played the game so long that im very good

What are your weaknesses: playing it 'too' safe i guess

What is your in-game name: AlkwardzSeaturtlz

What is your Skype username: alkwardzzseaturtlzz

Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you: Looting a industrial building in origins a few days after i killed a guy and his group (he was mad bro). He saw me looting the building so waited for me to walk out and shot me twice, almost killing me, I ran back inside bandaged and quickly jumped in my scrap apc and ran as I had 3k or lower blood. He had a chopper following me and a truck, and when he got out of the truck i ran him over, then drove off on an hour long chase. Finally I met up with 2 guys at the airfield we exchanged blood bags, they hopped in and we drove to a town where i gave them some wheels for a car and drove into the woods, a nice way to end my night haha.

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Gray Lines Gaming Wants You!

GLG Gaming is an active community with an incredible admin team and an amazing player base.

We aren't a clan, but a place for YOUR clan/squad to play.

We have a teamspeak and are accepting groups of all types.

Teamspeak: voice.graylinesgaming.com

Forums: graylinesgaming.com

And we want YOU.

I'm not an admin, a staff member, or a moderator. I'm just a player of this community, and I would love to see more people on.

We have a private hive server, that regulars 20+ players everyday.

All Clans are welcome.

And how about this. If YOUR group joins us, we will give a free protected base to stash your gear and hang around with you team. The only requirement is that your group is active on the server. IT'S THAT EASY!

Server IP:

If you come on and wish to set up a channel in teamspeak and a base in game, speak to Cruber or Cypher.

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Location: eastern coast

Occupation: N/A

Timezone: eastern us

How long have you played the game:6 months

Which "DayZ" do you play? (Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, etc.):every mod for dayz i play and would like do play more than just regular cherrnarus

What is your favourite gun: DMR and mSD

What is your playstyle: bandit usually but not to fresh spawns

What is your favourite role: sniper or field medic (where ever i am needed)

What are your strenghts: Great eye for players, I can fly a chopper, i don't mind traveling without a vehicle, have a really good shot and have good combat skills

What are your weaknesses: I can get greedy with loot

What is your in-game name: hydro

What is your Skype username: michaelcowles99

Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you:My friends and i were on north east airfield and i was providing overwatch on olsha hill when i heard foot steps. The servers most dangerous and well know bandit had walked right up and lay prone literally 2 trees down from me. Haha this game is all about patience

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Age: 18

Location: US

Occupation: Student

Timezone: CST

How long have you played the game: 8 months

Which "DayZ" do you play? (Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, etc.): Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, DayZ +

What is your favourite gun: DMR

What is your playstyle: Fast Tactical

What is your favourite role: Infiltrator

What are your strenghts: PvP

What are your weaknesses: Long range moving targets

What is your in-game name: MrMackeyMKayyy

What is your Skype username: MrMackeyMKayyy

Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you: Well, better yet how about I post the video. I am in the chopper on the gunner seat with my buddy Nimbus piloting the chopper.

Their POV



Edited by MrMackeyMKayyy

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Age: 16

Location: Alabama

Occupation: Student

Timezone: Central

How long have you played the game: About 2 Months

Which "DayZ" do you play? (Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, etc.): I play vanilla and Breaking Point

What is your favourite gun: I cant really choice i have a few that could be my favourite

What is your playstyle: Kinda lead runner/gunner goes in before everyone else

What is your favourite role: Scout kinda like to be lead guy that goes in

What are your strenghts: Good Shot and good at communcation

What are your weaknesses: Not all that great at stealth

What is your in-game name: Marcus

What is your Skype username: m.purvine79

Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you: we fixed up a bus and held at devils castle and a group of about 6 showed up and a standoff between the two groups we lost though. :(

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Location:NY. US

Occupation:Student (college)


How long have you played the game:7 months

Which "DayZ" do you play? (Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, etc.): no preference

What is your favourite gun: m16 203 or m4a3 cco

What is your playstyle: i like to be in the center of the action

What is your favourite role:soldier/ rifleman

What are your strenghts: Accuracy, tactician, helicoptor pilot

What are your weaknesses: not skilled with shotguns

What is your in-game name: joepwnz

What is your Skype username: joepwn2

Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you: Took out a Huey that was attacking me and a buddy while looting the airfield probably hovering at about 350-500m

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Age: 15 (Don't worry, Im not a screaming immature kid. If I die, my only reaction would be "Aww i died guys."

Location: USA

Occupation: Video Games?

Timezone: -8

How long have you played the game: 6-9 Months

Which "DayZ" do you play? (Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, etc.): Vanilla

What is your favourite gun: Any silenced weapon.

What is your playstyle: Flanking, scouting, fast to get place to place.

What is your favourite role: Scouting, supporting, getting somewhere fast.

What are your strenghts: Scouting, supporting, getting somewhere fast.

What are your weaknesses: Long range fights, extremely close (like 1-2m) fights.

What is your in-game name: Secretname911

What is your Skype username: htmlc0l0rs43var

Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you: Killed alot of admins by sneaking up behind them while hiding from a heilicopter.

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Location:IL, USA



How long have you played the game:2 months

Which "DayZ" do you play? (Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, etc.):dayz mod

What is your favourite gun: M14

What is your playstyle: shoot to kill

What is your favourite role:wreck face

What are your strenghts: head shots

What are your weaknesses: baked beans

What is your in-game name: Adrian

What is your Skype username: Baconslayer1088

Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you: found some baked beans

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What is your playstyle: shoot to kill

What is your favourite role:wreck face

What are your strenghts: head shots

What are your weaknesses: baked beans

Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you: found some baked beans

Humourus, but would mind answering a little more in-depth? The information is relevant and it does helps with the process of selecting members of an efficient squad.


Edited by Deithor

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Age: 18

Location: Canada

Occupation: Student (sort of. I'm at school for 2.5 hours a day)

Timezone: Standard TIme Zone: UTC/GMT -6 Hours

How long have you played the game: Few months

Which "DayZ" do you play? (Vanilla, Origins, Breaking Point, etc.): Origins, some Breaking point (I prefer taviana)

What is your favourite gun: FN Fal (AR) or DMR/SVU (Sniper)

What is your playstyle: Fast.

What is your favourite role: Sniper or stealth

What are your strenghts: I'm a good sniper.

What are your weaknesses: I take a lot of risks (I wouldnt really call this a weakness persay, but it can bring me down)

What is your in-game name: LigerRider

What is your Skype username: LigerRider

Tell me your favourite DayZ story that happened to you: I decided to be a dick, so being very lightly geared I went on a killing spree. I killed my first 3 players within 5-10 minutes (none of them working together), then started heading out of the city where I picked off another guy driving down the road in a truck. THe killing isnt the fun part of the story, but after this little endeavour, the whole server (even the admin) was trying to kill me.

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