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Spawn in nothing

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Halo guys,

I am new Player on this MOD, (I buy the game ARMA2 yesterday)

and I have a problem.

When I connect the server, I spawn in nothing.

Yesterday i don't have problems, but today I spawn in nothing.

I have the Patch and I connect only for this server. I use the Six launcher.

I NEED help and thanks for the answer.

(PLS don't cry about my english, i life in Germany but my english is bad. )



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Yea i think he ment this. I am spawning in wilderness too, downloaded latest version of Dayzmod ( v ). I got a few pictues too as proof ( via imageShack ):






@Rodby: Bin auch deutscher, hab das selbe problem. Alles richtig downloaded, neuste versionen wollte grad zocken aber spawne einfach im nirgendwo.. Haste Teamspeak oder email oder so können wa zsm zocken bzw probleme lösen :)

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Yes, i mean this.

Thats correkt Kollegah.

// Danke das du mich verstehst ^^, joa TS3 kann ich von meiner Gilde anbieten, ansonsten rodby@hotmail.de.

But, what can i do ? for this problem ?

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Are you running the latest arma 2 beta?

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the latest arma 2 beta is 93825

and i have it.

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I have the same problem, i tried to respawn about 200 times, and nothing helped, tried to switch to User then back to normal acc, nothing.. ;/

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Its not about the versions ! I just solved my problem, how ? Tried diffrent servers :D

@Rodby, kp wie ichs geschafft habe, hab einfach paar mal respawned und neue server etc probiert bis ich halt normal gespawned bin :D versuchs auch mal ! respawnen paar mal auf nem server wenns immernoch nicht geht dann such neue server ! UND NICHT AUFGEBEN

wenne iwas willste bzw fragen oder so, PM mich HIER IM FORUM :)

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Oh great :) I´ve got the same problem. I lost all my gear and im in the middle of nowhere + im bleeding out. T_T I guess i have to respawn... good ol' 50cal.

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Got some infos:

Spawned in debug forest: run east for like 5 mins ! / or try respawn & diff. server

spawned in ocean: swim southeast ( i think ) / or try respawn & diff. server

spawned in nothing, no forrest, no ocean, just nothing, run like 1.5 hours easth :D / or do it like me respawn, change server.. if not working do it more times and always try other servers !

hope i could help

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I have, try to the canadian server : dayz _ canada 2

thats crazy, i push the button: respawn,

and i respanw in the woodfield.

I push 10, the respawn button. After that i connect to the Server:

"DayZ Zombie RPG - Germany/Frankfurt (v1.7.1.2)"

I respawn in the nothingfield ^^. And i press respawn, and thats it !!!!!!!

I am Back to the DayZ !!!

I Thing i need the server who has a nothing DayZ MOD. Becaus on this server you have a "Debug Monitor" in the nothing field. The other nothing fields hasn't this "debug Monitor".

OK Thats great, and i love the promiss ^^.

Thanks to all

and mfg


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