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[SA] - Disarm

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Unarmed combat was said to be possible in DayZ: Standalone, so would it be possible to add a a Disarm animation for unarmed combat.

The downsides would be that you would merely get the weapon loaded with a single magazine worth of ammo. Nothing spectular but enough to kill your oppenant. The disarm would only be effective at very close (touching) ranges.

The effect would be determined by the situation, some examples would be:

Behind (Target hasn't noticed the player)

  • Sidearm is holstered, Primary is out - Player removes the targets pistol from it's holster and uses it against them
  • Primary is Holstered, Sidearm is out - Player removes the targets rifle from it's holster and uses it againt them

Side (Target has noticed the player and is to the side and is in a very close proximity)

  • Sidearm is holstered, Primary is out - Player wrestles the primary out of the Targets hand (with a percentage chance of equipping said weapon) forcing him to draw his pistol or retreat.
  • Primary is Holstered, Sidearm is out - Player wrestles the sidearm out of the targets hand (with a percentage chance of equipping said weapon) forcing him to draw his primary or retreat.

Front (Target is in very close proximity to the player)

  • Sidearm is Holstered, primary is out - Player kicks the primary out of the targets hand (with a percentage chance to drop) forcing the target to pull a sidearm or retreat.
  • Primary is Holstered, Sidearm is out - Player kicks the sidearm out of the targets hand (with a percentage chance to drop) forcing the target to pull a primary or retreat.

Some additional notes:

  1. The weapon does not need to be loaded in order to be disarmed, so pulling an empty double barrel shotgun from a targets back could potentially cause the target to attack back with a fully loaded makarov.
  2. Sidearms generally would have a higher chance to drop compared to Primary weapons
  3. The condition the target is in (low blood, fever, lots of pain etc) can contribute to whether a weapon will be dropped upon a disarm
  4. The same condition effects can also effect the state at which a player is able to successfully disarm a target. A sickly player for example could have a low chance of a disarm compared to a decently healthly player.
  5. Disarming the target from behind is often a high chance of a disarm (as the target doesn't know your there yet)
  6. The effect of disarming melee weapons is the same for Primary weapons.

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We are zombie apocalypse survivors. Not Bloody Jason bourne!

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pfft, someone pointing a fire at you, would you really try to kick them? Even so, you'd only use this if you were unarmed, most likely a new spawn, making new spawns able to overpower someone with a weapon at point blank range?

That being said, new spawns have nothing to loose, and will always try to kick your weapon from you if they get the chance. (I don't know why you would try to kick someone pointing a gun at you) Maybe something like push the firearm away from you or something, either way a gun has a hair trigger, the person will die as soon as he moves a muscle, no ones stupid enough to let someone overpower you if you have a gun pointed at them.

Fine how it is thanks.

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No.. Realistically, you would feel a little "sickly" and wouldn't be able to kick my weapon off with some percentages if you just got shot in the chest a few times.

Edited by Sutinen

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