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dashx73 (DayZ)

The standalone won't be popular unless

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Only offical servers,

only admin'd by offical staff who's job it is to admin, and who do not play the game as an admin.

sick of joining servers with admin telling people where I am, or telling their friends were vehicles are, or spawning in loadouts for themselves or people that give them money,

this is not dayz..

the problem for me isn't the hackers its just the servers and the server admin.

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Sounds like you have had some very bad past experiences, did you not just post a video of the silent warrior menu?

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We keep getting offers to help fund our Hatchet Reloaded server but we just point blank refuse. It is our choice to pay for it, We do it so people can have a genuine place where Admin abuse and losses due to hackers isn't an issue as we will just replace lost gear if it's a genuine loss due to script kiddies. Obviously we spawn ourselves vehicles but it's only when we are on Admin duties and we make sure everyone knows when this is going on :thumbsup:

Lets hope the SA is well moderated and prior to it's release we get more Servers with responsible admins.

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If Standalone has no private hives EVER! i'll be incredibly happy :D

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DayZ Public hives were already overrun with Hackers, even when DayZ was at it's peak & the original (and, frankly, better) DevTeam hadn't yet moved onto the SA. Now, you expect them to hire people, who would more then likely ask for some sort of pay, to moderate Servers which may or may not have Players actively online.. Right.

Anywho; Have a problem with a Server Admin on a private hive? Tough luck, princess. It's their Server, they paid their own money for it and they can do whatever they please, albeit spawning their own gear to giving themselves Helicopters or Jets.

If you don't like it, I hear you can click this button, called something like 'Disconekt' or 'Ab0rt' or something, which'll have you leave the Server and put you back onto the list of the thousands of other possible Servers to play on.. It's just an urban myth, though some say it's true.

Edited by Zionist Wabbit
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the original (and, frankly, better) DevTeam hadn't yet moved onto the SA.

You mean rocket?

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There is alot of admin abuse really, but, the servers you are talking about are Private Hives, atleast, in the standalone admins wont do that because they wont have the tools for it, i myself as admin i dont abuse the power, because if i did i would find the game really boring.

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Well I'm hoping that the improved security will mean that there's no need for these (borderline cheat) admin tools and they just won't be available.

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I think diversity that will accommodate multiple playstyles will be more widely accepted. The important thing is education to new players what the difference is between Hive and Private.

The largest complaint with Private servers is Admin abuse but people need to be educated that can happen and that the Admin is paying for that server. When joining a Private there could be a window that pops up stating the risks (very short description) that one must click.

The largest complaint about Hive is the ghosting/server hopping for loot and players need to be educated on how that happens.

Personally I don't understand the complaints about Private servers. There are thousands of them, I just go to another and don't even bring it up.

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Open hives have a lot of problems right now (ie: ghosting, server hopping for loot, combat logging, etc).

I hope the "one character per server" thing stays, but nothing else custom

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There is alot of admin abuse really, but, the servers you are talking about are Private Hives, atleast, in the standalone admins wont do that because they wont have the tools for it, i myself as admin i dont abuse the power, because if i did i would find the game really boring.

Couldn't agree with you more there. Back when we had a password enabled server we had no hacker issues but the player base was low. It's now much more fluid with gaining new players now it's unlocked. With the locked server we felt we didn't require an admin tool but now we do and every time I use it I feel like I die inside a little lol

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Couldn't agree with you more there. Back when we had a password enabled server we had no hacker issues but the player base was low. It's now much more fluid with gaining new players now it's unlocked. With the locked server we felt we didn't require an admin tool but now we do and every time I use it I feel like I die inside a little lol

Yeah right? im an TS3 admin, but i had to do some server stuff one time, and with the custom panel, i had the face like, was it this a spaceship? is incredible how much power you can have, even in Origins panel

Edited by Henryllex~

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You mean rocket?

Well, yeah. Razor (Has some l33t speek in there) lost my interest when he began discouraging people from Modifying DayZ, especially porting it to A:III, even if it was a non-profit, fan-made Mod which gave all credit to the original developers in near every way.

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With all the donations some of these servers get there should be admin support 24/7 or damn near to it. they should act professional and only admin; not participating in play. Instead you get admins who half ass it and cheat their players for their own entertainment.

I have seen admins horde vehicles, provide information to their clans/friends/etc. I could go on but I wont. The TRUE reason a lot of servers aren't full is because admins do not understand how to protect and enforce integrity of their servers. This isn't always the case though as most popular servers at the moment provide shitty load outs, scripts, loot and rule sets to go along with poor administration.

Edited by DontTrustPubs

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as an admin with all the power it's hard not to use it, even the most determined admin will cave in eventually and check a player location.

however i've never understood why an admin would need god mode, teleport etc - you're admin, you have THE map. why teleport when you know where every vehicle is unclaimed or not

some servers i've joined state that accepting gear from a hacker is bannable yet if they were watching the server log they could instaban as soon as they see medbox0 or ammoboxbig (or small) spawned in the wrong place with no detriment to genuine players. stating you get a ban for that tells me they're too lazy to read the log

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Acutally considering the amount of hacking going on, dayz nowadays survives ONLY because there are private servers.

There are a lot of private servers configured to vanilla dayz setting or a side-arm at maximum at spawn (and you can dump it anyway if you like), where the admins are only watching. Or you get very detailed info about them (e.g. 'the custom base N of Zeleno is admin-owned, stay away from it').

You need luck and patience to find them, but it is worth doing it: private servers are 99% hacker-free.

Remember that SA servers won't be different conceptually compared to dayz ones: they need players logged so whatever fills the basket is good.


Edited by _Anubis_

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private servers are 99% hacker-free.

one word, BULLSHIT!

Edited by Stapo
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I run my own server @ www.planet-dead.com - i can admin the server and play legit at the same time. its pretty easy actually. never once spawned in gear for myself or anyone except donaters who support my server costs and my just about 24/7 administration costs. Since im putting so much time and effort in my server i think donations are warranted.

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I run my own server @ www.planet-dead.com - i can admin the server and play legit at the same time. its pretty easy actually. never once spawned in gear for myself or anyone except donaters who support my server costs and my just about 24/7 administration costs. Since im putting so much time and effort in my server i think donations are warranted.

no offence but servers like yours with 600+ vehicles etc.. is what makes me hate private hives.

there just is no excitement in finding a vehicle on servers like that because when you see a vehicle your just like "oh....theres another heli, pfft.. ive already got 3" compared to official vanilla with less then 100 (probably less then 50) where you see a vehicle and you just sit there and scream with excitement and don't give a shit how broken it is, you would go to the very end of the earth to fix the damn thing.

Edited by Stapo
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Despite the hundreds of vehicles advertised on servers, I still don't find them that often. I would expect to see roaming convoys and the air filled with choppers and biplanes. Never the case so I typically ignore whatever number they put on their server title.

Edited by SteveLord

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Despite the hundreds of vehicles advertised on servers, I still don't find them that often. I would expect to see roaming convoys and the air filled with choppers and biplanes. Never the case so I typically ignore whatever number they put on their server title.

there are hundereds of vehicles but they are usally all piled up at the admin camp, or given out to people who donate to the server.

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i completely disagree, if dayz only allows official servers then we wont get to see awesome mods for it either, and unless this game will be subscription based or they plan to pump out a shitload of dlcs every month then paying hundreds of game moderators instead of letting admins manage servers is gonna drain money real fast. but admins who run official servers should have to answer to official game moderators and not be able to run said servers as hitler ran nazi germany

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i completely disagree, if dayz only allows official servers then we wont get to see awesome mods for it either, and unless this game will be subscription based or they plan to pump out a shitload of dlcs every month then paying hundreds of game moderators instead of letting admins manage servers is gonna drain money real fast. but admins who run official servers should have to answer to official game moderators and not be able to run said servers as hitler ran nazi germany

There will be updates consistently according to rocket, if they do that and lock down their architecture to prevent hackers (mmorpgs, dota 2, etc, prove it can be done) then there will be no need for private servers/hives for quite some time, if ever. All they have to do is protect the integrity of their product and the rest will take care of itself.

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