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Update the animals; should make sounds/better navigation/attacked by zombies

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Hey guys, TIC here.

I wanted to make a suggestion to the mod where I wanted to know if it were to be possible that we could see animals receiving some type of update such as a better navigation instead of remaining stationary on a hill slope or in the middle of the road.

I'd also like to see something such as them making sounds. As of now, they are silent. At some points, it makes me wonder if they're actually there or just a figment of my imagination since sometimes they disappear when they die or just vanish within air.

Along those lines, since zombies roam around in random areas now, I'd like to see a possibility of attacking an animal or chasing it(useful for rabbits) which would somewhat eliminate the metagaming of determining a player around the area which the zombie would instead be chasing an animal. If a zombie so happens to kill an animal, they could gather around eating the remains and renders the meat useless for human survivors. The meat can have a large potential of being infectious; such as how water, blood transfusions and such can get you an infection.

Feel free to share your opinion :)

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Different types of animals, some animals could be hostile ie Carnivora such as bears, wolves, dogs or big cats dependant on the type of setting. Also ungulates could be attracted to water holes to drink, so waiting at a water hole for an animal could be a valid strategy.

It would be kind of neat to domesticate dogs for example and if there are horses you would get the whole horse thing, but I suspect that would probably change the nature of the game as horses would not need fuel and you would probably get a whole mounted with AK 47 raider groups forming.

Having a dog for pet would make the whole isolated survivor experience more meaningful, but the dog behaviour would have to be done right or it could become a liability towards the players survival.

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Different types of animals, some animals could be hostile ie Carnivora such as bears, wolves, dogs or big cats dependant on the type of setting. Also ungulates could be attracted to water holes to drink, so waiting at a water hole for an animal could be a valid strategy.

It would be kind of neat to domesticate dogs for example and if there are horses you would get the whole horse thing, but I suspect that would probably change the nature of the game as horses would not need fuel and you would probably get a whole mounted with AK 47 raider groups forming.

Having a dog for pet would make the whole isolated survivor experience more meaningful, but the dog behaviour would have to be done right or it could become a liability towards the players survival.

Yeah exactly, animals should play somewhat of a big role in survival whether it's for your own aide or against you in general. With ups and downs to this animal category, I'd also like to see what we can expand in this opportunity as you mentioned before which equals to me giving you my beans, enjoy :)

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