Jester. 6 Posted May 10, 2012 As far as I know, melee weapons are possible in Arma II. Please come up with a way to implement them!Also, I believe it would make a lot of sense for zombie kills to restore your humanity. What better than killing zombies to show you're a human? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vibe 26 Posted May 10, 2012 +1 to any kind of melee. Not as a main way of killing zombies, but as a last resort thing when you run out of ammo... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wnxlions 1 Posted May 10, 2012 Melee weapons would be awesome. FINALLY a good suggestion. They are few and far between and this is one of the few. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leechman 8 Posted May 10, 2012 I recall reading somewhere that it was on the list of things to implemented for testing soon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vibe 26 Posted May 10, 2012 Quote I recall reading somewhere that it was on the list of things to implemented for testing soonWould love a confirm on this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shemashko 2 Posted May 10, 2012 I played Invasion 1944 which had a sort of melee implemented that worked pretty well. Rocket could ask them for help on this plan! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daemon (DayZ) 0 Posted May 12, 2012 Came here to suggest melee weapons, and found this topic instead, so I'm bumping. It wouldn't even change the balance much! You'd be able to escape, probably wounded, from a single zombie without ammo, but any more would still ruin your shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xmethuselah 0 Posted May 12, 2012 Melee would be great. I've found myself needing to pistol whip a zombie a few times and it would give a more dynamic level of realism to the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Killing Joke 43 Posted May 12, 2012 If we absolutely *have to* have bandits forever branded with a skin, then I would definitely vote to have humanity restored by a good number of zombie kills. It's the fairest idea I've read so far, in regards to the unfair disadvantage bandits are put at, at the moment.TKJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dz302 1 Posted May 12, 2012 I disagree, the current way of gaining Humanity back works fine.As for melee, definitely is needed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Killing Joke 43 Posted May 12, 2012 'DZ302 said: I disagree' date=' the current way of gaining Humanity back works fine.[/quote']Doing a search tells me humanity doesn't regenerate. That being said, I found hundreds of posts regarding the matter. How does the current method of gaining humanity back work?TKJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaPessimist 1 Posted May 12, 2012 I would like Melee, but i feel like it should be very difficult, and melee weapons should be hard to find. The limitations on zombie killing do to ammo shortage is a big part of the game. I dont want to see people just running around meleeing zombies all day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
salty (DayZ) 39 Posted May 12, 2012 'The Killing Joke said: Quote I disagree' date=' the current way of gaining Humanity back works fine.[/quote']Doing a search tells me humanity doesn't regenerate. That being said, I found hundreds of posts regarding the matter. How does the current method of gaining humanity back work?TKJGiving another survivor medical attention of any kind increases humanity, and it will increase on it's own over time. I'm not sure of the actual values of either, but I'd estimate +100-400 for the former, and +50/hr for the latter.As for zombies giving humanity, I'm going to have to say no. Killing zombies is a necessity, even for true bandits.I would like to see come kind of last resort melee attack eventually, but there are much more pressing issues to worry about at the moment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrrightclick 7 Posted May 12, 2012 If there's melee, we need new animations for it. The shitty ArmA 2 animations are just horrible -- especially that one whipping animation used in most melee-like attack animations.I'm voting plus for melee, but only if it isn't made overpowered (consider L4D katana, but yeah, like that's going to happen) and unrealistic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daemon (DayZ) 0 Posted May 12, 2012 'DaPessimist said: I would like Melee' date=' but i feel like it should be very difficult, and melee weapons should be hard to find. The limitations on zombie killing do to ammo shortage is a big part of the game. I dont want to see people just running around meleeing zombies all day.[/quote']Right, the way I envision melee in this game is that you can kill a zombie one on one, while still taking a non-negligible amount of damage, but trying to melee into a group is gonna get your brain eaten pdq. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Land Squid 22 Posted May 12, 2012 + for Melee.I'd love to be able to use the hunting knives and entrenching tools we can already find as a last ditch weapon. There's few things that quite scream "GTFO!" so distinctly as bashing a zed in the fact with a small shovel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dz302 1 Posted May 13, 2012 'The Killing Joke said: Quote I disagree' date=' the current way of gaining Humanity back works fine.[/quote']Doing a search tells me humanity doesn't regenerate. That being said, I found hundreds of posts regarding the matter. How does the current method of gaining humanity back work?TKJYou gain humanity by giving blood transfusions, painkillers, morphine or bandaging other players' wounds, as well as killing other bandits.Killing zombies really has nothing to do with 'humanity', it is a zombie apocalypse after all, whether you are good or evil, you still need to deal with zombies. Plus for balance reasons it would be unfair, you could join empty servers and just roam around killing an endless supply of zombies that keep respawning for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Archangel (DayZ) 1 Posted May 13, 2012 Id love to see more melee weapon, but id also love to see ammo beeing more rare / same with firearms themselfs.Sure if you find a police zombie or military zombie.More variations on em as well please, k bye:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dz302 1 Posted May 13, 2012 Quote Sure if you find a police zombie or military zombie.What exactly does this mean? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SensenmanN (DayZ) 5 Posted May 13, 2012 I came here to suggest melee weapons also, but I'd like to explain my reasoning why.While I like the "shit, I have no ammo, I guess I'll hack at zombies while they hack at me", it's not the main reason I think we need melee weapons.I think we need melee weapons so we have a good way to silently deal with a lone zombie. I see it as a risk / reward system. If you are sneaky enough to sneak up on a zombie, it would make sense to reward you with a stealthy kill. At the moment, you do all this sneaking, just to have your gun fire pull all the zombies around you. It makes sneaking in close for an easier kill pointless, because you get 1 easier shot, and then you have to fight all the other zombies as they run at you.I also think it would be terrible if knives oneshot full health humans, maybe 2-3 hits, but 1 hit would make it way to easy to kill someone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oktyabr 53 Posted May 13, 2012 'SensenmanN said: I also think it would be terrible if knives oneshot full health humans' date=' maybe 2-3 hits, but 1 hit would make it way to easy to kill someone.[/quote']+1 Besides, a knife wound is probably the best example why someone might be gushing blood in this mod. Two or three hits would be fine... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Archangel (DayZ) 1 Posted May 13, 2012 'Oktyabr said: Quote I also think it would be terrible if knives oneshot full health humans' date=' maybe 2-3 hits, but 1 hit would make it way to easy to kill someone.[/quote']+1 Besides, a knife wound is probably the best example why someone might be gushing blood in this mod. Two or three hits would be fine...2-3 stabs to the chest sure, but one stab to cause a bleed/wound Quote Quote Sure if you find a police zombie or military zombie.What exactly does this mean?That they'd be the main source of ammo / weapons Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guran 1 Posted May 13, 2012 'SensenmanN said: I think we need melee weapons so we have a good way to silently deal with a lone zombie. I see it as a risk / reward system. If you are sneaky enough to sneak up on a zombie' date=' it would make sense to reward you with a stealthy kill. At the moment, you do all this sneaking, just to have your gun fire pull all the zombies around you. It makes sneaking in close for an easier kill pointless, because you get 1 easier shot, and then you have to fight all the other zombies as they run at you.I also think it would be terrible if knives oneshot full health humans, maybe 2-3 hits, but 1 hit would make it way to easy to kill someone.[/quote']I think melee weapons always should oneshot things (survivors and zombies) as long as you stab them in the back (lets say you cut their throat if you stab them in the back). If you stab someone from the front it should not be oneshot, I would rather suggest they should be quite useless when attacking from the front (because the target is aware of the attacker and will block vital areas on the body), mainly cause bleeding if anything.It should be gamble using melee weapons, you could kill silently (this is important!) and fast or you could take a lot of damage or even die if you mess things up.I can't see how the melee weapons would be overpowered against full health humans even if they oneshot considering that most guns pretty much oneshot you already and they can be used at a distance which a melee weapon cant.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobda 11 Posted May 14, 2012 On the topic of melee weapons I have only one thing I'd absolutely love to see... BAYONETS! The enfield looks like it should already have a bayonet at the end of it. Having the animation take a long ass time to successfully attack with a melee would be realistic. Dead island you could swing and swing like your a god of war, and they even had a stamina system. One thing I do not want to ever see in DayZ is people charging a large group of zeds with only a melee and coming out on top. A slow but effective melee would be useful in dire situations but to time consuming to use over and over again.Taking out a hoard only to empty all your ammo when there's only 1 or 2 zombies left is the worst feeling ever. A last ditch option would be awesome. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
discoamazing 0 Posted May 15, 2012 Melee weapons are a must. I think its important that we have a way of protecting ourselves from zombie attacks without bringing the horde down on our heads. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites