-Gews- 7443 Posted May 9, 2013 You've all seen the blood damage values propagated online.M4A1, 3555 blood.AKM, 4500 blood.Lee-Enfield, 6722 blood.But where did these come from? Who originally posted them? And how did that person find them out? By calculation? Or by testing them in-game?The formula seen online is "raw damage squared times 55.55"... but does that actually correspond to in-game blood damage, or is it just an estimate? I had no idea to be honest, I just trusted it was correct.Once I started looking more at ArmA damage, it got more complicated, and suddenly I really wanted to find out, so I looked at the code and got utterly confused...I think I've finally muddled through. I'm fairly confident I've solved my problem. :DLet's look at the logs for a point-blank Lee-Enfield torso shot.T=7.68 : [R 1-1-A:1,"",1.24218,R 1-1-A:2 (Gews),"B_303_Ball"]T=7.68 : [R 1-1-A:1,"head_hit",0.50623,R 1-1-A:2 (Gews),"B_303_Ball"]T=7.68 : [R 1-1-A:1,"body",2.19291,R 1-1-A:2 (Gews),"B_303_Ball"]T=7.68 : [R 1-1-A:1,"hands",1.98289,R 1-1-A:2 (Gews),"B_303_Ball"]T=7.68 : [R 1-1-A:1,"legs",0.0349212,R 1-1-A:2 (Gews),"B_303_Ball"]Hmmm. I'm not good with code, but I think fn_damageHandler.sqf says that gunshot damage is multiplied by 1000. Headshot damage seems to be multiplied by 1500.So, going though, the total raw damage is 5.9591312. Now, I was unsure of whether to calculate the head damage separately, or to add it to the body damage and ALSO calculate it separately. The numbers are closer when I add it and also calculate, so...Body damage x 1000 = 5,959.1312Head damage x 1500 = 759.345Total = 6,718That's very close to the "published" number of 6,722! :D Me so happy. Damage seems to vary by small amounts due to all the variables involved - it's rarely (if ever) the exact same.Here's a couple more damage values I found when testing (all point-blank torso shots):M16A2:3,3943,4733,304AKM:4,0744,0034,0264,213AS50:174,859179,829180,227DMR8,0238,6368,137As you can see, it would appear some of the published damages are off by a fair amount, and the damages also will vary quite a bit no matter what you do.This is also useful to see how shooting different body parts affects the total damage... point-blank Lee-Enfield headshot? Say hello to over 17,000 damage, say bye bye to your head. Shot in the leg with a DMR? You'll live, it's only about half the damage. 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreams_Of_Cheese (DayZ) 71 Posted May 9, 2013 Gews you are a mathematical genius. I volunteer to be your bitch for the next 72 hours. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M O N S T E R 599 Posted May 9, 2013 Now do it for all guns, all heights, all vehicles and zombies. <3- MONSTER Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted May 9, 2013 Can you please do that for Winchester? I usually find one but never use it because it seems so weak Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naike 28 Posted May 9, 2013 Can you please do that for Winchester? I usually find one but never use it because it seems so weakI looked it up at http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Winchester_1866 it does over 8000 blood damage, pretty good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted May 9, 2013 (edited) I looked it up at http://dayz.gamepedi...Winchester_1866 it does over 8000 blood damage, pretty good.Heh that's my edit right there... might have to re-edit it now. :| Oh well, much closer than the old "4500" anyways.Can you please do that for Winchester? I usually find one but never use it because it seems so weakWinchester point-blank, 3 shots:8,2418,0858,479Average: 8,268 (old, 8,909)Winchester ~50 meters, 3 shots:6,1426,7286,977Average: 6,616 (old, 6,894)Winchester ~100 meters, 3 shots:5,9575,3136,005Average: 5,758 (old, 5,261)Anecdotal evidence has long shown the Winchester has had a mysterious power...I had the pleasure of taking a winchester slug to the chest at 25m the other day. Did about 7k blood damage and to be fair knocked me out. Edited May 9, 2013 by Gews 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted May 9, 2013 Heh that's my edit right there... might have to re-edit it now. :| Oh well, much closer than the old "4500" anyways.Winchester point-blank, 3 shots:8,2418,0858,479Average: 8,268 (old, 8,909)Winchester ~50 meters, 3 shots:6,1426,7286,977Average: 6,616 (old, 6,894)Winchester ~100 meters, 3 shots:5,9575,3136,005Average: 5,758 (old, 5,261)Anecdotal evidence has long shown the Winchester has had a mysterious power...Awesome! Thanks mate. Your my new weapons guy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fluxley 2228 Posted May 9, 2013 Nice work once again, though im quite sad to hear the AKM does less damage than i thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted May 9, 2013 (edited) Nice work once again, though im quite sad to hear the AKM does less damage than i thought.Ehhh, careful here... don't want to be spreading misinformation. Translating the AKM's "hit = 9" to a value in blood is complicated... it might take away an exact amount of "blood", it depends what the blood monitor is checking.Note this from the Lee:T=7.68 : [R 1-1-A:1,"",1.24218,R 1-1-A:2 (Gews),"B_303_Ball"]That 1.24218 number is the total "structural" damage done, if it passes 0.9, the unit dies. But the unit can also die even if that number is well below 0.9...The head is a separate and more fragile "piece", and if the head passes 0.9 damage, the unit dies, even if the total damage is low.The body (torso, neck, etc) is also another piece and the same applies.Damage to the feet and hands themselves won't kill the unit, but every time anything is damaged, the raw damage before "modifiers" goes into the total "structural" damage, so shooting the feet several times will add up in the structural section and kill the unit.But as you can see, there are many other damages being done than the basic "structural" damage... so although it might be a good way to rank the weapon's power compared to others, it *might* not translate to actual damage. And actual damage to various pieces might not translate to blood damage, if blood only counts the structural damage.And then there's the problem of this:r_player_blood = r_player_blood - (_damage * _scale)Scale *appears *to be 1000 for PvP damage and 1500 for headshots. R_player_blood is just "12000".So, plug the basic "structural" damage of 1.24218 into that and we get:damage = 12000 - (1.24218*1000)....Which of course doesn't equal anywhere near the Lee-Enfield's supposed 6722 damage!Also note that in DayZ, players have a lot more health, and I haven't looked into how that actually works... they appear to have the same actual "hitpoints"... as far as I've checked... so there must be an event handler which intervenes and tones down all the damage. Maybe.Also, note this was tested in ArmA, not DayZ... but it seems to be showing me very close values to what the blood values in DayZ are, and that's also very confusing...Anyways, that's what bothered me - the "raw damage" didn't work when plugged into that equation, and I didn't know exactly what "_damage" meant - so I got the idea of adding up every individual bit of damage and it *appears* to work, all the numbers are quite close, if not exact... this may not be the best way of actually rating weapons, I don't know. I also don't know exactly what the debug monitor is checking when it counts people's blood.It's annoyingly complicated.So.... yeah, that's my disclaimer. :| Edited May 9, 2013 by Gews 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fluxley 2228 Posted May 9, 2013 I'm confused, disclaimer successful! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jdtherocker 37 Posted May 9, 2013 I think it was from the old menu where you could see your exact blood, they would take a hit and see how much it was reduced by :L Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 23 Posted May 10, 2013 You went were no man dares to go, into the logs of arma.('_')7I salute you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites