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Who wants to see bears is SA?

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I for one would love to have bears as a threat to survival. Maybe........ a zombie bear? :D

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there are multiple mods ith extra wildlife already, but I think bears are the last thing they are going to be working on. The zombie pathfinding, building desigms and animations are the main attractions to fixes in SA

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with that, pepper and bear spray should be added too...

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Bear wildlife as a rare spawn that would attack players on smell/sight similar to a zombie. Would be hilarious and interesting

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Wildlife that will attack would be pretty awesome. Maybe you are more likely to be attacked by wolves at night if you don't have a fire, wild dogs roam around, bears once in awhile would be awesome. Would really add to the survival element of the game.

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Bloody hell, I am still waiting for Dogs, If bears are added it will be a good year of rocket dressed as a bear doing the animations.

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I was thinking more in line with "Yogi the Bear" carrying a picnic basket!

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I was thinking more in line with "Yogi the Bear" carrying a picnic basket!

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Will we have to fight them with our BEAR hands?


It's ok. I can bear the pain

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I love and hate Putin at the same time. He makes me have conflicting emotions. On topic however, I'd love to see some harmful wildlife. Wild dogs, wolves, bears, and wolverines. They'd have to be super rare and do less damage than zombies however. It would give those forest dwelling hippies a real challenge.

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you guys are beary funny

how bear you make a pun

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how bear you make a pun

you bearly have a sense of humour...

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you bearly have a sense of humour...

I can't bear another pun

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fuckin A

Edited by SAL_iOGC

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I'm all for more varied animals, they could really add a lot to the game by expanding the hunting and foraging aspects, as for bears in particular? yes please, the odd pack of wolves wouldn't go amiss either.

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More squirrels.

And evil bunny wabbits with Big Sharp Pointy Teeth!

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I can't bear another pun

knowing your bearing will finally make the compass useful....

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