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New player, just started

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Point the gun away from yourself when you pull the trigger.

Try not to get eaten.

That's pretty much it.

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New guy here, anybody care to help me get the hang if it?

there's a lot of great guides. I personally recommend readin the wiki a bit before getting started at least that's what I did. It can pay off. My biggest suggestion would be playing with a friend who is more experienced first a lot of learning has to come first hand (at least in my opinion) it actually helps a lot.


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- As long as you keep running, zombies will never touch you.

- Often it pays to go prone and low crawl into a high density zombie area.

- Doing the above can prevent zombie aggro, which can prevent players from detecting your presence.

- Read the zombie sign before going in. Running, growling zombies indicate a player's presence.

- Take care when acknowledging another player or meeting them. Always prepare for and expect the worst from most everyone else.

- Beware helicopter crashes and vehicles. Bandits/Player Killers love to use them as bait.

- Take care killing zombies in doorways, as it can be hard to get over their bodies if they pile up.

- If zombies are entering your building en masse do not panic. Get to the corner furthest from the front door and go prone.

- Always use buildings and terrain to your advantage when entering a new area. Beware rooftops and high ground.

- If shot at do not panic. Panic will get you killed. Stay calm, keep moving, get to cover, return fire.

- If another player seems to be threatening you, do not hesitate.

- You do not have to kill on sight. Instead, you can shoot another player in the leg and later give them medical treatment if a misunderstanding.

- Do not believe that all Admins are good because they are Admins. Bad behavior is bad behavior.

- You do not have to bend to the wishes of an Admin. If one demands you help them or give them a ride, find another server.

- Remember to have fun.

Edited by Saethkept
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Jdtherocker, that's what I'm looking for. I need somebody to help me go through it for a little bit. None of my friends play it

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I suggest trying a server that has friendly admins, that don't mind helping you learn the game...oh snap in my sig is one!!! :) If you wanna get on, we can help ya! Let me know!!

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It's good advice though. You don;t really need to join a group but playing somewhere where people will help you out if you need it will make your life easier, especially if you can trust the admins of the server.

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go find your feet on one of the PVE servers to get the hang of everything and the maps.

you actually meet a nice bunch of people in those servers, and often tag along and team up to go out to PvP servers.

as a fellow recent-noob the best advcice I have is to try lots of servers until you find a bunch of players you like and get on with, then try and find yourself a server with a "if you say you are friendly be friendly" policy, I play epoch on one server like that and there are just enough murders and occasional maimings to keep you on your toes.

Youtube is your friend. Loads of DayZ how-to videos on there that are worth their weight in gold.

another tip: don't get too attatched to your gear or character, because dying comes sooner rather than later.

Have fun. If you suddenly turn into a goat and then someone drops a battleship on you it'll just be a hacker. At least in this game they have a sense of humour.

There are a lot of other new players and friendly people in this game lately - probably due to them deserting that awful WarZ in droves, so I don't think you could have picked a better time to start playing DayZ.

see you in Cherno :)

ps. and if you survive long enough to get hunger, don't eat raw meat, you're not a zombie, and it'll give you an infection, you got to cook it first.

Edited by TwoHammers

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Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!

Edited by SpaceLowHD

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I recommend watching 0 youtube videos, you won't play this game very long if you do. The noob experience is the best part of the game. Being lost, scared, and unarmed while creatures growl in the night is when DayZ sinks it's hook into you. That being said playing on a server where people will give you a hand is a huge plus. Feel free to hit me up if you want to play on F8L Planet and I'll show you the ropes without ruining your DayZ experience. My name is the same on server, server in sig.


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Stick them with the pointy end?

Find a hatchet right away, hit G to open your inventory, right click on the hatchet, select "remove from toolbelt" and swing away.

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If your using commander, you can input a specific ip exp:

you would just copy and paste that under Fav, there is a box at the top you can just click and ctrl V it into their. You of course would use whatever the ip is for the server your trying to get on :) And it stays in your Fav's so you can just open commander, click on the server and enjoy the game :) GL

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