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Any players from the AU BB whitelist server?

what are your best experiences and most action packed sessions?

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u cum rollin in dees streets u haf to deal wid me

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Last night I found three cars and destroyed two, upgrading as i went. Server was down last night so i might have lost the GAZ :(

BB AU was the best aussie server and one of the best servers for vanillia DayZ when it didn't have side chat. It still is, just a little shittier. Some extra added in buildings in remote areas but not gamebreaking at all.

Good clans and players play BB but plently of peolpe who don't KOS and will team.

I reccorded one of the best gun fights i ever had in DayZ as well...self vs MEDIC Squad(?)... 1 v 4 it was awsome

Edited by Trizzo
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I can't really tell which one of my kamikaze sessions are better.

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So i logged back on after yesterdays fail server...DMR, Ghille, GAZ and 6 Boiled Waters are gone...but so is side chat! Best server rises again!

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So i logged back on after yesterdays fail server...DMR, Ghille, GAZ and 6 Boiled Waters are gone...but so is side chat! Best server rises again!

Happened to me as well lost my m24 with tonnes of dmr mags :(

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