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Zombie X AK-47

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Would it ever be possible to get the Zombie X AK-47 into DayZ. I think this gun was made for this game.


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Screw that, I want a Mk 2 Lancer. I've never even played Gears of War and I know the name of that, because it's amazing...

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Lancer beats this by a mile

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or how about the dart gun from fallout 3? all you need is a paint gun, surgical tubing, toy car and some darts... oh and the schematics! but it would be hard to find a radscorpion poison gland in chernarus i think. lol

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or how about the dart gun from fallout 3? all you need is a paint gun, surgical tubing, toy car and some darts... oh and the schematics! but it would be hard to find a radscorpion poison gland in chernarus i think. lol

I vote one for fatboy

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it would be kind of cool to have a bayonette on some of the rifles... maybe something to look forward to in the SA version? A nice stealthy way to take care of zombies inside city limits...

Before something like that comes into play, I would like to see zombie AI/difficulty improved a little. It's easy enough to deal with zombies now -- if the zombies are smarter, tougher and ammo is rarer, then rifles with melee attachments would be pretty cool.

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