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Random blue screen of death??

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I'm posting this as a last resort, because I've tried doing everything I can to fix this issue.

I have a very good computer. 3.3 Ghz processor, a 2 GB AMD video card, and 8 GB of RAM.

When i first started playing Dayz, I installed everything, and downloaded my patch from this website http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php I ran the executable file, and always launched the dayz mod with beta patch. These were the instructions I had given my friends, and everything works fine for them.

Everything was running fine for me for the first 3 weeks, and then all of a sudden I started getting the blue screen of death and random times in games. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling everything, which made no difference. It got to the point where just trying to choose a server gave me the blue screen every time.

I then completely reinstalled windows 7, and downloaded everything fresh. I even switched to the play withsix mod application, and let it update to the new patch that way. I thought everything was running smoothly, but my computer crashed about 3 separate random times last night... I downloaded directx and adobe flash after reformatting my hard drive.

This being faulty hardware crossed my mind, but I play the new starcraft and Heroes of Newerth with no issues on this computer... so I believe it's a software issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


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Hello there

If you have truly wiped and reinstalled everything, then I would guess at a hardware issue im afraid.

If one game runs fine but another does not does not instantly point to a software issue.

How's the cooling? What temps are the CPU running at?

Have you tried running with different ram?

Have you disconnected EVERYTHING thats not 100pc needed to open the game and test it. (inc all usb bits n bobs sound cards other hdds etc)



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most of the time blue screen is a sofware clash, try changing you're virus protection

being that you reinstalled windows there is not alot you can do and there is a good chance that is it you're hardware, I have had this with both a fulty motherbord and hard drive on differant ocations

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Either your PC hit the shit, or it's a virus/bug that survived reinstallation.

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I also suggest you migh have a motherboard issue. Maybe some other hardware coflict.

Very shity thing to diagnose. You might need to take it into local shop if you know one where the guys actually do something to diagnose issues rather than talk you into a new system.

GL. Feel sorry for you.

If the machine is new, complain like crazy.

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I haven't tried taking out hardware that isn't needed to run the game. There is nothing that happens that triggers the blue screen that I have seen so far... so thus far I've assumed it was my software until last night.

I'm not sure how my fan is performing, or how to even see what the temperature is at any given point.

Before I start trying to troubleshoot any hardware issues, can I get suggestions on a driver or any software that I may be missing to run this correctly? The blue screen started happening to me after I tried to uninstall a few programs to make my computer run faster.... this was all before I wiped it.

I have installed the latest adobe flash player, as well as direct x. I've checked for the latest driver updates for my video card, as well as almost everything else, through device manager.

Thanks for your input,


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Hey Jibba.

Try using this here:


Pretty nifty tool for gauging the temps of the CPU and the GPU whilst ArmaII is running. It also shows fan speed. What you also might need to do is check to make sure you have the latest graphics card drivers:


This is if it's an AMD/ Radeon


This is if it's an nVidia one

Even if they're up to date, it might be a good idea to grab a Beta driver from the site, since both Hybrid and Optimus tech are known to crash systems when switching from whatever crappy intel card is on the Mobo to the dedicated card.

You might also want to check for RAM errors buddy:


Prime95 is the best thing for this, though be warned, it's a long scan and can take several hours.

Edited by apollochaos
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Ok so I've done all of these things aside from checking the RAM. I will be doing that later tonight since you said it takes so long. The last thing I did was install the video card beta patch, and I have yet to run dayz since I've done so. According to my research online; my fan and temps are normal.

It's still very strange to me that my computer only crashes for Dayz... and no other higher demanding games for performance.

One thing I noticed when I clicked options in game was that the interface graphics are set to 32 bit computer, and so is my battle eye. I don't know if/how to check if the game itself is 32 bit, but I'm wondering if this could potentially be the problem?

Also, does checking the error logs reported after the blue screen actually work, or is it sort of a shades of grey kind of thing?

On a side note which is probably unrelated, I'm missing the driver for my USB controller... don't know if that would affect anything but I thought I'd throw it out there.

I'll post again after I run the game with the new beta driver, and if that doesn't work, I'll check the RAM.

Thanks for your help,


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These random blue-screens happen in single-player, as well? Starcraft and Newerth (or any orther RTS) aren't 'really-comparable' to Arma II/DayZ.

Had blue-screens a couple of times. Putting v-sync on and lowering my refresh to 60 cured-that (perhaps not directly but.. ;) )

Hope you find a software solution, rather-than a hardware problem :thumbsup:

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I also experience random blue screens, only within Dayz. I have an [email protected] GHZ, 12GB ram and an GTX 660 with 2 GB vram. I though about it and it might be because I have my graphic settings mostly on low, no AA, low terrain details etc. some people said that on this low settings Arma won't even use your GPU. I will try set everything to high and see if it has any effect. Also going to monitor cpu and gpu temps with the proposed tool.

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Is there a fix to this, because i keep getting it and all my mates play this and i cant! its beyond taking the piss, i get it then it goes for a few hours then back, and so on. there must be a fix for it. my pc is practically brand new had it for 3 weeks like dafuq?!

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