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Frames per secound

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Hey there folks! I dont know if this is the right thread for this if not tell me, anyway the point.

I have been playing dayz sence it came out. I realy love the mod but I get some terrible framerates on it. first I thought it was something wrong with my Gtx 460 card so I upgraded to Gtx 660 Ti overclocked edition, also upgraded my ram to 8gb and 6 core cpu but I still get around 20-30 fps on lowest settings, even on highest settigns the frames dosnt change its still at 20-30 frames. I can play any other game fine except Dayz. but why ? is my stats realy to bad for dayz? :(

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DayZ is incredibly CPU heavy, so... perhaps that could be the bottleneck.

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Change your CPU, not your GPU. :)

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he did change his cpu, didnt you read what he said? anyway i only have a AMD 3.2 Ghz quad core and i run it fine. and if anything from what it sounds like, you need a SSD hard drive. DAyz is very CPU and hard drive dependent, SSD's are the best out. and its just the game man every one gets bad FPS because of zombies. they have too many moving point in there skeleton. making it lag for every one. some people with beast setups will get less FPS dropped but no one can get away from it.

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he did change his cpu, didnt you read what he said? anyway i only have a AMD 3.2 Ghz quad core and i run it fine. and if anything from what it sounds like, you need a SSD hard drive. DAyz is very CPU and hard drive dependent, SSD's are the best out. and its just the game man every one gets bad FPS because of zombies. they have too many moving point in there skeleton. making it lag for every one. some people with beast setups will get less FPS dropped but no one can get away from it.

Okey thanks man!, but there is another wierd thing also, my friend have the same Cpu as I have and he also have 8gb of ram the diffrent with our computers is that he have gtx 650 and I have gtx 660 Ti Oc edition, and he can run the game on max graphic with around 60 frames :(

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Are you playing together on the same server?

You can switch servers since servers can lag players. Install the game components/files that do a lot of read/write to the hardrive into your RAM (you'll have to search for that) or get an SSD. See if that stuff helps.

Arma 2: OA runs fine, it is the mod/server that has trouble sometimes.

Edited by Razgriz Berkut

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Okey thanks man!, but there is another wierd thing also, my friend have the same Cpu as I have and he also have 8gb of ram the diffrent with our computers is that he have gtx 650 and I have gtx 660 Ti Oc edition, and he can run the game on max graphic with around 60 frames :(

Things to consider;

Background programs, windows services, virtual memory size, cooling differences and operating temps/under load, last reboot, windows version/updates installed, speed of ram/mobo, power supply's power rating, GPU driver version, hard drive speed/type.

See a trend? We're talking PC's here, not consoles. Everyone likes to point at cpu and gpu for fps but there are whole lot of other things to consider as well. Some on their own may not be noticable, but add a couple together...

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Heres a pretty good guide on graphics settings for dayz http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28160-guide-how-to-set-up-your-graphics-properly/,

The thing that made the most difference for me was overclocking my cpu, but theres lots of other things you can try. its generally a case of trial and error to find the right settings for your setup. good luck.

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GeForce experience, download it. It now works for Arma 2 so let it detect the game and then 'optimise' it will adjust the games graphically settings to get the best performance for you. It definitely improved my frame rate. I have a normal GTX660 and I get about 40 - 50 FPS.

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GeForce experience, download it. It now works for Arma 2 so let it detect the game and then 'optimise' it will adjust the games graphically settings to get the best performance for you. It definitely improved my frame rate. I have a normal GTX660 and I get about 40 - 50 FPS.

Nvidia always seem get get the good shit. I've always bought Nvidia but this last card I got was ati...won't happen again )

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