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Stolen or Bugged?

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I'm not really sure if this should be in the support section or not, but i just wanted to hear your guys thoughts.

This has been occurring for about 3 days now, we have acquired vehicles and have hidden them in certain areas. When we log back on, they are gone, we are never gone for more than 15 hours at a time, is this a bug? Are our cars despawning? Or have we simply hidden poorly?

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Honestly, it could be many reasons. Maybe they are poorly hidden, if someone on the server has a heli then vehicles are very easy to find almost wherever you put them. Maybe the admins are up to no good, if you think this is the case then ask them about it outright (without accusing them) and see what they say.

Edited by Fraggle

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How populated is the server? on a busy server 15 hours is plenty of time for even the best hiding spots to be uncovered, especially if theres heli's roaming around.

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If you put them out of the map they despawn, and on some server vehicles in bad conditions despawn as well.

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O yea buddy. This past weekend, I spent a good 1-2 hrs from the start of play just scouting the edges of the map for tents and vehicles.

Found so many :P 4 vehicles, plenty of tents. No place is hidden from a player with a mission.

Also, 4 tents had AS50s and/or M107s. So I blew them up :P after taking SVD for myself.

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How populated is the server? on a busy server 15 hours is plenty of time for even the best hiding spots to be uncovered, especially if theres heli's roaming around.

The server is pretty populated. 50 people. I'm from England so my time zone is GMT whereas i'm playing on a US server, could this have a big impact also?

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The server is pretty populated. 50 people. I'm from England so my time zone is GMT whereas i'm playing on a US server, could this have a big impact also?

Yes! Your down time is their prime time.

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The server is pretty populated. 50 people. I'm from England so my time zone is GMT whereas i'm playing on a US server, could this have a big impact also?

Yeh play GMT or GMT - a few hour servers, when you go to bed so will most of the server and it;s more likely your stuff will be there. Most servers i play on are busiest from about 7pm till 11pm, When I come on about 4 ish after work they are fairly quiet.

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not parking them out of bounds or close to out of bounds are you? a clean up of out of bounds items occurs on many servers on restart.

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Also trees aren't always the best protection for stashing vehicles, they can still be seen from the sky.

Use the landshape too, a chopper can easily miss a vehicle that is parked at the foot of a hill with a few trees. I like to stash within woodland mostly yes but I won't go for the dense bit, I will go for something easily overlooked.

Also use buildings in villages that aren't really popular, big brown barns, red barns that have overhangs even just tucked up between buildings in villages that are crap for loot.

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Death awaits for those who operate strictly with vehicles.

It's all about the foot-work

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Tip: ATV from a distance can easily look like a rock so if you put in amongst some rocks it will be difficult to spot from a distance.

Also all camouflage is about breaking up recognisable silhouettes as that is what people spot first and draws their eye, so think about that when finding a hiding spot.

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Stolen. There's a wide variety players can spawn, and it might be right in front of your base.

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