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Baron XP

Cornered Animal

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Hey Guys, just wanted to share an experience I had about 2 months ago.

I was playing on a chernarus server for about an hour with my friend. We were fully geared after raiding all the military bases and had a heli, but for some stupid reason I wont explain, I died (accidently jumped off the heli :P )

So I spawn back near Prigor and my friend tells me to just keep going north and he'll pick me up with the heli, my gear waiting for me in it. I say fine and trudge on. On the way i find a can of beans, a hunting knife and a crossbow with 2 bolts. I say ''Fine what the hell, I'll just go survivalist Daryl for a while.''

I go north for about 10-15 more minutes, on the look out for some animals to hunt, when a guy comes out of a bush calmly telling me to drop my weapon. At that moment more than a few things pop in my head, I lower the crossbow just a little not to appear a threat, but also turn my head to see him and get a fix on his position. The moment I see the guy another pops in behind and unloads a bullet storm on my legs. So now I'm crippled, bleeding and nearly dead. Though the guy who talked to me the first time comes in and bandages me.

He tells me I need to drop my weapon, all my gear and my backpack. I ask him if he will give me morphine after and he says ''Yea sure'' So I do as he says, got nothing to lose anyway, seeing as i had only starter gear and that crossbow. They didnt seem to mind when I told them this though, maybe they needed the food badly.

While all this is happening though I cant help but feel some pride. Here are some genuine bandits. Not those kill on sight players that loot only from dead bodies, but real highwaymen. I had felt happy by seeing these players after reading a ton of people complaining on the forums about how the old school bandits were no more and there were only kill on sight cod players left. Wierd, but it even made me feel hopefull for the game.

Still, they were the enemies and I was in a bad position. After getting all my gear the talkative guy said ''Well, see ya'' and they started to leave. I said ''Wait what about the morphine?'' He said, ''I'm not gonna give you any morphine, I dont even have any.'' and they started going away. I was pissed, they never intended to fix me up, and I could only manage to write ''wait'' on direct chat, just before they left the direct chat range. The guys came back and the noisy one said ''What man? What do you want?

Right now I knew what I was, they were 2 heavily armed bandit/hunters and I was the trapped lone wolf. The cornered dog that gets his last strength to bite from the knowledge he's gonna die. I didnt have alot of options and played my move.

The talkative one made the mistake of coming right next to me. I quickly checked his backback for any spare guns, and there it was....my old crossbow. 2 shots, damn, I had to make this count. I looted and armed it in what seemed like slow motion. I knew I couldnt hit both in time, maybe the one next to me fine, but the other guy was out of my line of sight and had his aim right at me. So I choose some painful revenge. I armed the crossbow, reloaded, aimed and just when they got whats happening I took my shot....right in the knee. ''Crack!'' the bones were broken and the guy fell. The other one unleashed a full mag on my already broken body. I lay still, dead.

But I was satisfied and gazed at the ''You are Dead'' screen with a small, evil smile on my face that came after revenge was taken. I wrote only one thing on the side chat after getting the guy's attention by writing his name.

''Hey...you need any morphine?'' B)

Edited by Baron XP
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Heheheh, a good final ditch attempt at revenge. At least they were old school bandits too.

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