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Alright so I'm a hero, right? I try to be friendly to everyone. I am a good player and I help bambis all the time. I recently read some posts be a dude named mullraugh or something. He seemed to know what he was doing. I go into any situation with a "be nice but kill if needed" mentality. I'm prepared to fight and four times out of ten i get out unharmed. I also survive nine times out of ten. But no one really knows me they try to take advantage of me, I don't get hunted unless I eliminate half a group of bandits. Can anyone post how to be a server's well known hero and to get bandits to hunt you? Any stories to share? A way to get bandit clans and random survivors to pick you up?

There are good ways to hero, tell us yours!

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So as far as I can tell you want a reputation on a server? It helps if the server has side chat, but other than that just do stuff... Become known for being a bandit hunter or something....

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I think you're going to have to join a server with a strong, stable community and then go out and earn a reputation and become noteworthy one way or another.

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Balota buddies, has a very nice community, has a lot of bandits to hunt and heros, inception plays there too, has like -100,000 humanity, so he is the ultimate bandit to hunt,you may hear COME TO BALOTA BUDDIEZ alot, but it is a very good server after all! and also, admins dont abuse their powers, which is a big plus for me.

Edited by Henryllex~
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Isn't 4/10 just 2/5... IE, 40% of the time? As in, a failing rate?

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Isn't 4/10 just 2/5... IE, 40% of the time? As in, a failing rate?

Yeah that is true, but then again being "harmed" could be a small blood loss.

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Yeah that is true, but then again being "harmed" could be a small blood loss.

I run between throngs of zombies and players without suffering any injuries...and there I go being a pompous elitist again. :)

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I run between throngs of zombies and players without suffering any injuries...and there I go being a pompous elitist again. :)


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People tell me it's a serious problem. They just aren't good enough, like me to... dammit, still doing it.

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Alright so I'm a hero, right? I try to be friendly to everyone. I am a good player and I help bambis all the time. I recently read some posts be a dude named mullraugh or something. He seemed to know what he was doing.

Hi... Any specific questions?

Edited by mullraugh

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well you know some people the second they see you fire away

the 4 of 10 thing is so its of equal measurement to 9 of 10


Did you just say 4/10 = 9/10? Does your country make you take mathematics courses of any kind?

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Always be aware of the backstabbing bandit.


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well mr. Mullraugh you seem to know what your doing more than i do. Any specific things that would help a bloodbag mission going downhill quick?

Or how did you become well known in the servers you use?

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Did you just say 4/10 = 9/10? Does your country make you take mathematics courses of any kind?

no i meant it is easier to compare 4 of 10 to 9 of 10 than 2 of 5 to 9 of ten.

holy shit I wanted to put "silly brony" in Soooooo bad

Edited by callsignBravo

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well mr. Mullraugh you seem to know what your doing more than i do. Any specific things that would help a bloodbag mission going downhill quick?

Or how did you become well known in the servers you use?

Now I'm no expert, but I know a few tricks to being the good guy.

First: Sniper rifles are a no. Most combat situations you get in will be close quarters. Though its always good to have a DMR in your bag. My favourite weapon is the AK-74 and its variants. with the Reliability of a Russian weapon, and how easy it and its magazines are to find, it's the best gun in DayZ, if not ArmAII. Remember; snipers wear diapers.

Second: Talk! This is the most important part of surviving a player encounter in DayZ, hero or not. Type in sidechat, speak in direct or in the servers teamspeak. This builds trust between you an the player. It's extremely rare for someone you're talking with in a 3rd party talk program to kill you. It also helps to have a cool voice, some people say I sound like an American Frankie. Kinda weird. (And I kinda think Frankie is a bit of a noob :P)

Third: Be nice! The key to me being "the hero of heroes" as some people call me (Becuase apparently I inspire people to become heros...) is to be nice. Most people don't understand it, but complementing someone when they kill you instead of whining over side chat makes them think about shooting you next time. Don't complain if you died, respawn and try again.

Fourth: Help Bandits. "Holy poop mullraugh! Did u just say dat?!" Yes. Heros are not bandit hunters, they help people. Chasing down bandits doesn't help other survivors. Inevitably everyone dies, so you may as well help them in the life they got instead of going wild goose chases. Remember, bandits are humans too. They are nice when you're nice to them.

Fifth: Some people think Heros are wimps and 'pussies'. Don't be afraid to teach them a lesson. Many times have bandits and survivors stood in front of me and say "shoot me, you don't have the balls." Let's just say they finished the last part of the sentence on the ground dead. Having huge amounts of humanity (mine being around 18000) lets you kill without worrying about losing your badass hero skin. - DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN KILL EVERYONE. Just shoot when shot at, simple as that.

Sixth: Not nessecary, but it's good to have a squad to watch your back. I'm the leader of Foxtrot Alpha 1-1, a neutral mercenary group paid by the Russian Government to fight against the Chernarussian rebels and the United States. Then the zombies came. That's just a backstory I like to play by. Anyway, having a sniper watching your back is great for intimidation and for covering fire. I say "People in Chernogorsk, identify yourselves and I won't have Ty blow your brains all over the street." The he replies (his name being Ty [Foxtrot Sniper]) "ready to fire Captain." Most people reply, others lay on the street rottiing a few minutes later. Psychological warfare at its best ;)

Seventh: use proper grammar. The more mature you act, the more trust you build. Saying "okaye, were r u. I hav teh blud to giv u." Makes you sound stupid, and like a 2 year old. People tend to trust mature adults more than douchebag teens. Just saying.

Note: I play on a private hive, that way the players that are there are players that are there every day. Public servers can be challenging because everyone comes an goes on those ones. Find a good private hive and get to know the players and the Admins. I've had sniper support from an admin who legitimately had his humanity at -2 million. Everyone hated him, but he was actually a really nice guy.

Hope this helps. Remember, you can scare people away with an unloaded weapon.

Edited by mullraugh
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Now I'm no expert, but I know a few tricks to being the good guy.

First: Sniper rifles are a no. Most combat situations you get in will be close quarters. Though its always good to have a DMR in your bag. My favourite weapon is the AK-74 and its variants. with the Reliability of a Russian weapon, and how easy it and its magazines are to find, it's the best gun in DayZ, if not ArmAII. Remember; snipers wear diapers.

Second: Talk! This is the most important part of surviving a player encounter in DayZ, hero or not. Type in sidechat, speak in direct or in the servers teamspeak. This builds trust between you an the player. It's extremely rare for someone you're talking with in a 3rd party talk program to kill you. It also helps to have a cool voice, some people say I sound like an American Frankie. Kinda weird. (And I kinda think Frankie is a bit of a noob :P)

Third: Be nice! The key to me being "the hero of heroes" as some people call me (Becuase apparently I inspire people to become heros...) is to be nice. Most people don't understand it, but complementing someone when they kill you instead of whining over side chat makes them think about shooting you next time. Don't complain if you died, respawn and try again.

Fourth: Help Bandits. "Holy poop mullraugh! Did u just say dat?!" Yes. Heros are not bandit hunters, they help people. Chasing down bandits doesn't help other survivors. Inevitably everyone dies, so you may as well help them in the life they got instead of going wild goose chases. Remember, bandits are humans too. They are nice when you're nice to them.

Fifth: Some people think Heros are wimps and 'pussies'. Don't be afraid to teach them a lesson. Many times have bandits and survivors stood in front of me and say "shoot me, you don't have the balls." Let's just say they finished the last part of the sentence on the ground dead. Having huge amounts of humanity (mine being around 18000) lets you kill without worrying about losing your badass hero skin. - DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN KILL EVERYONE. Just shoot when shot at, simple as that.

Sixth: Not nessecary, but it's good to have a squad to watch your back. I'm the leader of Foxtrot Alpha 1-1, a neutral mercenary group paid by the Russian Government to fight against the Chernarussian rebels and the United States. Then the zombies came. That's just a backstory I like to play by. Anyway, having a sniper watching your back is great for intimidation and for covering fire. I say "People in Chernogorsk, identify yourselves and I won't have Ty blow your brains all over the street." The he replies (his name being Ty [Foxtrot Sniper]) "ready to fire Captain." Most people reply, others lay on the street rottiing a few minutes later. Psychological warfare at its best ;)

Seventh: use proper grammar. The more mature you act, the more trust you build. Saying "okaye, were r u. I hav teh blud to giv u." Makes you sound stupid, and like a 2 year old. People tend to trust mature adults more than douchebag teens. Just saying.

Note: I play on a private hive, that way the players that are there are players that are there every day. Public servers can be challenging because everyone comes an goes on those ones. Find a good private hive and get to know the players and the Admins. I've had sniper support from an admin who legitimately had his humanity at -2 million. Everyone hated him, but he was actually a really nice guy.

Hope this helps. Remember, you can scare people away with an unloaded weapon.

you should really start t thread this is good stuff

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"Legendary hero" but only 18k humanity? Psh!

yeah I killed a bunch of people sniping Elektrozavodsk, so I lost a ton of humanity. It was in the 30's before

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It seems being Robin Hood gets you known fast. Steal from bandits and admins, then just give it away to the first new spawn you find. Make sure people know it's you doing it. They will be hunting you down in no time.

I would deffinatly come for you if I lost 2 trucks and half my supplies on a daily basis. Plus the new spawns will all share the tail of the Hero handing out Urals filled with a month worth of supplies.

Edited by iamghost

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yeah I killed a bunch of people sniping Elektrozavodsk, so I lost a ton of humanity. It was in the 30's before

30's brah you should be up in the 100,000's

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You can't force it. Either you play as a hero, or you don't. When you want to play hero, you will have to be a hero by heart.

And if you do that, it's going to be hard. You will be killed / backstabbed / laughed at. Which is not a problem, because you enjoy playing like a hero and people laughing at you, because you're a carebear are most likely 12year-old bandits coming straight from an FPS.

If you die, you're just going to go back to Cherno, grab medical supplies, a map and a hatchet. That way you're back in business again. You don't need all the fancy weapons like bandits do. And if you play like that, you're not going to have problems with Zombies - if you've got enough meat and morphine on you at all times - and you're not such a threat to others.

It might help having someone covering your back, even though it's not needed. The only thing you'll ALWAYS have to keep in mind: Keep it easy and don't worry about dieing. That way you will have a lot of fun without being afraid of situations you can't control. There's normally not much to lose anyway.

Also: be sure to check out this, if you're interested in the hero-playstyle:



Edited by kichilron

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got a new hero story tonight. me and my clan are playing tavania. We get caught in a "war" in sabina. A group of bandts in an osprey land on top of the bookstore and start shooting everyone. a sniper squad landed on the hospital (HUGE red building across the town square). They exchange gunfire and it all quiets down after a little while. The bandits embark their air vehicle and drop about 4 people behind the bookstore the rest on the roof start hailing the hospital with bullets. hiding in the super-super market we are observing this. The 4 bandits on the ground slowly loop their way around to the hospital undetected. After about a minute there they had their guys on the roof provide covering fire as they moved behind the statue in the town square a second osprey comes and gets them (a ton of ospreys spawn everywhere) The bandits all evac to the first osprey. the second flies directly at the hospital roof. The pilot eject and it crashes into the roof killing 3 snipers. The rest limp into the huey and go to the first floor and start looting because the bandits moved off. Me any my guys have moved up and are at the edge of the plaza then we realize, 4 bandits went in 3 came out! we try to warn them on side chat, too late. BOOM. they placed satchel charges. we rushed in saved the wounded used our military off road to collect gear and pick up respawns. I talked with the leader or the sniper group and now the clan i play with 20% of the time is three times larger FTW.

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