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Temperature Icon is... broken

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Alrighty, Been playing for quite a while (I must admit, i was a DayZ Pirate until about a week ago or so) and after joining my first server, i had every icon / meter (blood, food, thirst) full apart from the Temperature Icon... from the very first moment of spawning i had the Red Temperature Icon that's supposed to indicate that my family jewels are now snowballs and i have icicles sticking out of my nostrils. So i went ahead and found my first Heat Pack, used it, "Successfully applied" it to my body, and the meter didn't change, found just under a dozen of those and used them again - nothing changed.

Eventually i just said screw it and ignored it, but when hypothermia set in as i was rolling through the mud and pig diarrhea on a farm looking for resources in the middle of a rainstorm, it became apparent to me that the Temperature Bar = Lies x 2.

So i created a camp fire in hopes of warming up as i haul ass for antibiotics, and i didn't warm up one bit (or so said the Temperature Icon).

...Got my hands on the antibiotics, stopped coughing my lungs out, tried to warm up again with Heat Packs and a Campfire and still no affect...

So what the hell is wrong with the HUD? The Temperature Icon is Always Red no matter what. How can i get it to stop lying to me and show me if I'm about to turn into an ice sculpture or I'm hotter than the sun.

ps: I also don't see the "Debug Screen" either - if it's at all relevant.

Edited by ThatCampingOwl

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Pretty sure that's the new normal and it changes to blue if you are cold.

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swim in a sea and it goes down. The settings are worthless atm, they should change it more sensitive ... but it works...

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