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DayZ Origins: Looking for group!

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Hey guys,

I've been playing DayZ vanilla alot. I've just started playing DayZ Origins.

My name is Tom, and I'm currently 18 years old. I'm looking for one, or several people to team up with. I usually tend to play alone, but that got me rather bored. I live in the EU, where my timezone is GMT+1.

You must have a mic, and either use Mumble or TeamSpeak. Please don't ask me for Skype, because it doesn't work all that good. It would be great if you're both mature and live in the same timezone as I do. (or vary a few hours).

As for my playstyle, I'd usually play as a hero, but whenever I see someone running with fully geared up suit, I wouldn't mind shooting some of them once in a while. I'm not a very hardcore player, but I'm capable of being serious when needed.

If you're interrested and also looking for a group, either respond to this thread or add me on steam, where you'll either find me as ''Jenial'' (displayed) or ''Taoha'' (searching).


Edited by Jenial
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Check out this teamspeak. It has multiple clans that play origins on it.

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Still no proper response I'm afraid. Got one more invite yesterday, but clicked on ignore on accident. Sorry!

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I'm looking for some guys to play with too so maybe we can play together and try to find some more people to play with. I'm from the Netherlands (GMT +1) and I'm 16 and a half years old.

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