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Where's The Vanilla???

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As you all may know, vanilla servers are tough to find in DayZ nowadays. Well, I know of some servers that are vanilla, and I'll share them with you. (Chernarus) (Namalsk) (Panthera)

I thought I'd never see a good Panthera ever again...

Anyway, here's some more info on these servers.

They're run by the guys at DoormanIsGod.

They have a central clan over all their servers with their tag as =DiG= so you can identify them. They have their own website, and the address is frequently displayed as a server message.

The servers feature:


-stripping car parts

-NPC choppers to make dynamic chopper crashes (Chernarus only)

-edited loot spawns to make them more balanced, realistic, and enjoyable

-SOME buildings added and careful in consideration (for instance, 1 barracks at Balota, an international hotel at Elektro, an upgraded rail station at Komovoro, UNLIKE the usual fire station and supermarket added to every town)

-spawn with just a flashlight, bandage, and painkiller

-good connection between server and players

-always day

So if it strikes your fancy, come play on these servers, so I can hunt you :3.

This is your final warning.

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Where's the vanilla?

Behind the chocolate in the back of the freezer.


And doesn't "vanilla" mean no addons? So these "=DiG=" servers seem...not vanilla.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't vanilla mean that nothing has been changed? No mods or anything? Because last time I checked a lot of those things aren't in DayZ.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't vanilla mean that nothing has been changed? No mods or anything? Because last time I checked a lot of those things aren't in DayZ.

correct but they're intended to be

otherwise it's the closest to vanilla youll get

Edited by McCullins

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There are vanilla servers out there, a good many in fact. Look through the server ads.

And ya, your not talking about vanilla servers in your post lol

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There are still vanilla servers. You just got to look.

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Ya you can find many vanilla server now the days i have fold lots of them

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Since vanilla means unmodded while DayZ is a mod itself, I'd call it raspberry.

nah, just kidding

Edited by Ken Bean

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