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New Player, Desperately Need Help

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I've tried to play for over 2 hours and I just die after a while or end up being chased by a ton of zombies. I don't find weapons, I don't really know how to use them, I don't understand how the map is read or if it even tells you where you are. No idea how to do anything.

Anyone want to take me under their wing let me know.

Steam : Swisskaos

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When you first log in at the bottom right of the screen it will tell you where you are. It will say Chernarus which is the post-soviet country DayZ is based in, and under that it will tell you which city/town you spawn near. You can figure out your location and where to go to find loot using this map http://dayzdb.com/map. When you spawn in, you'll always be near the coast.

As far as how to use weapons goes, play the tutorials in arma 2 and do some missions in there or play around in the armory and you'll know the weapons like the back of your hand

Zombies have to walk inside buildings, so the best way to lose them right now is to run through a building and make sure they follow you inside, then you run away from the building while they're still in there. Or if you manage to break LOS (line of sight) they will lose interest. The best way to deal with zombies effectively and quietly is to use a hatchet which you can find in barns. To equip the hatchet, after you pick it up you must right click it and remove it from your toolbelt. Never use big firearms to deal with zombies unless it is absolutely necessary, and if you can't use a hatchet the next best thing is getting headshots via pistols.

If you really want an in-depth guide visit this link: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/A_Beginners_Guide. It will tell you everything you need to know down to the most minute details.

I wouldn't recommend getting help by another person in-game because you should learn from experience and not be tutored to play towards another persons playstyle. Good Luck out there, and remember that players are more dangerous than Z's.

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You are at a stage when everything is new. Things at this stage can only be experience once, so take your time, and figure things out. Just know that your problems are common, and can be solved with experience. Remember how this time feels, and most of all, JUST KEEP PLAYING!

Edited by McCullins
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I think I received the best bit of info that you can in this game, and that is to trust no player. That probably means these guys also.

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Just explore and slowly but surely you will get there.

My first few spawns in DayZ had me screaming and running blindly at night not knowing what the hell to do. Fast forward 1 year later and i now scream and run blindly through Cherno not knowing what the hell to do.

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I've tried to play for over 2 hours and I just die after a while or end up being chased by a ton of zombies. I don't find weapons, I don't really know how to use them, I don't understand how the map is read or if it even tells you where you are. No idea how to do anything.

Anyone want to take me under their wing let me know.

Steam : Swisskaos

Soak up the fear and confusion you have when you first start playing and take your time. When you become experienced you will intensely miss the feeling and fear of just starting Dayz.

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go on the internets and watch the youtubes of 1337 players doing 1337 things

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You can get my server my boyfriend is will teach ya a bit about the game :) It is easy once you get the hang of it, my server info is in my sig :)

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You can get my server my boyfriend is will teach ya a bit about the game :) It is easy once you get the hang of it, my server info is in my sig :)

I played your server... It sucks

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Eh it is w/e :P he is just trolling that is what asshole guys do that can't get girlfriends,troll forums! And he prolly didn't like my server cuz he was prolly just as much of a troll on there as on here and didn't make any friends :S Sad really! Oh and if your saying my server suxed cuz you got on at like 10 am there was just my boyfriend an his buddy on at the time, and they were working on server stuff since our server gets more populated in the evening, he does things during the day on it when needed, so he doesn't interrupt peoples play time, but i guess that is rude of us to lol. And i also stated that i worked till noon today (on my forum about my server, where i seen your original post, before this one) so that is why i wasn't on. Had we been on Arrow your attitude may have been different.

Edited by SaraMichelle
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Everyone dies the first 10 times they play. Every time you'll slowly get further and live longer. Just about any accesible building has some good loot in it. Houses will normally spawn food and drink, apartments spawn some low-end weapons like handguns, and rifles. Fire stations are your best bet if you want some moderately good weapons (AKM, AK-74). When you spawn, it will say in the bottom corner something like 'Chernarus - Day 0 - Kamenka' Kamenka is the town you've spawned in. It doesn't have alot of enterable buildings, although there is a couple of deer stands close by. Deer stands are your No.2 source of weapons. They usually spawn low end weapons and things like grenades and maps and other miscellaneous stuff.

Cities are best avoided unless you are well-equiped or theres a low player count on the server. Supermarkets usually have backpacks, food, water, maps and other accesories. Hospitals have medical supplies like bandages / painkillers etc. Airfields are also a pretty dangerous area. lots of bandits there.

Other than that I really reccomend you play some vannila ArmA II to get used to the feel of the game. It will teach you about the weapons, movement, actions and interacting with things.

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