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Why did you remove bandit skin ?

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just a simple question, why did your remove bandit skin ?

now we're forced to kill everyone most of the time, really annoying.

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Everyone is a bandit at some point. Therefor skin is there for just a bragging right. You now have heartbeats when targeted.

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You're not forced to. You choose to.

Maybe if people started using Direct comms around hot loot spots instead of blindly rushing into places.

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You're not forced to. You choose to.

Maybe if people started using Direct comms around hot loot spots instead of blindly rushing into places.

I was just about to say this

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You're not forced to. You choose to.

Maybe if people started using Direct comms around hot loot spots instead of blindly rushing into places.

No i am forced to.

99% of the time, players shoot.

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You're not forced to. You choose to.

Maybe if people started using Direct comms around hot loot spots instead of blindly rushing into places.

No i am forced to.

99% of the time' date=' players shoot.


okay.. shoot back maybe?

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No i am forced to.

99% of the time' date=' players shoot.


Be stealthy and avoid players then, if you're gonna end up exchanging bullets...

This awesome stealth system has been implemented so you have that choice.

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You're part of that 99% and making the problem you want addressed worse.

I shoot, but because I enjoy shooting and being shot at - well not so much the getting shot at :)

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Bandit-skin believers are so super fun.

I had the bandit skin on like 6 separate occasions. 3 times people shot at me and missed then caught a faceful of bullets, once two people attacked me and I happened to kill the one of the pair who had shot at my friend instead of me, once someone tried to loot my tent and one person tried to steal a vehicle off of me. All murders, all received "bandit skin arbitrary punishment duncecap."

Then you come along thinking you have it all figured out and shoot me in the face.

How many innocent people did you kill wearing the bandit skin, just because you made a bunch of baseless assumptions given a forced, lazy, partially broken mechanic?

And how many times did a survivor wearing normal survivor clothes and carrying a makarov empty a clip into your face? Probably a bunch, right?

The bandit skin never worked. It never accomplished anything. It just made you FEEL BETTER about what was going on. The game is the same now as it ever was. You just don't have your little baby security blanket. You'll grow up and get over it, don't worry.

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Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) is currently broken.

Direct comms (VON) doesn't always work. Assuming it does work on the server/client, assuming the other player does have a mic, assuming he has the right key binded, assuming he speaks english - then maybe. Also, vaguely typing "friendly?" on a server of 50 players and a map of 225 square kms - assuming the guy even looks at the chat (probably running or looting and therefore not so focused on the chat but rather on what's around the next corner) and correctly assumes you're talking to him (lots of assumptions already), you might get another vague response of "yes". The list of hurdles goes on.

If the current heartbeat thing works out to let's say 100m-200m then great, I'd happily use that.

No idea what the max range of the heartbeat thing is - anyone confirm? - but I assume it's close. Now why would I let a guy come so close to me, for argument's sake let's say ... 20m and then I look within and feel in my heart whether he's a bad person? 20m Doesn't leave alot of room to manoeuvre if he suddenly becomes motivated to kill you. Oh and remember, it's frowned upon to disconnect in order to avoid death.

So, simples: generally, if I happen to be close enough to a player that he could shoot me, I shoot first.

Bandit skin in the old style had certain benefits, namely to cut out all the IFF hurdles.

And if a foul-up occurred whereby one friendly player occidentally shot another friendly player, even if the shooter transformed into a bandit, over time his humanity would increase automatically until he had a survivor skin again.

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You're not forced to. You choose to.

Maybe if people started using Direct comms around hot loot spots instead of blindly rushing into places.

No i am forced to.

99% of the time' date=' players shoot.


okay.. shoot back maybe?

who said i did'nt ?

read the title of the post maybe ?

No i am forced to.

99% of the time' date=' players shoot.


Be stealthy and avoid players then, if you're gonna end up exchanging bullets...

This awesome stealth system has been implemented so you have that choice.

you don't understand, i don't care of kill ppl.

i just don't understand why they removed this skin.

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In my honest opinion the removal had more to do with placing lootable skins in the world than the humanity system. The system is borked, even Rocket admits that and is why he's trying new things like the heartbeat thing. This is an Alpha Test so we all have to be patient while the devs work out these little problems. What they are doing won't always make sense and it doesn't have to from our perspective. Believe it or not there is a method in their madness most of the time.

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I had the bandit skin without ever firing a shot at another player. It was bugged and even when it wasn't it was still dumb. So many situations where simply defending yourselves led to the bandit skin punishment. Good riddance

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I believe it was removed because :-

people who fought back against survivors who where about to become bandits. Became bandits themselves.

The skin wasn't at fault the method used to give the skin was.

But rather than fix the method they removed the skin.

So now we still have a faulty method but the skin is replaced by a heartbeat.

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Bandit-skin believers are so super fun.

I had the bandit skin on like 6 separate occasions. 3 times people shot at me and missed then caught a faceful of bullets' date=' once two people attacked me and I happened to kill the one of the pair who had shot at my friend instead of me, once someone tried to loot my tent and one person tried to steal a vehicle off of me. All murders, all received "bandit skin arbitrary punishment duncecap."

Then you come along thinking you have it all figured out and shoot me in the face.

How many innocent people did you kill wearing the bandit skin, just because you made a bunch of baseless assumptions given a forced, lazy, partially broken mechanic?

And how many times did a survivor wearing normal survivor clothes and carrying a makarov empty a clip into your face? Probably a bunch, right?

The bandit skin never worked. It never accomplished anything. It just made you FEEL BETTER about what was going on. The game is the same now as it ever was. You just don't have your little baby security blanket. You'll grow up and get over it, don't worry.


So much this.

When everyone started out, nobody had the bandit skin.

When someone who wanted to be one then shot at a guy who didn't, if the guy who didn't chose to defend himself and killed the guy who did, he became what he didn't want to be.

Why is that so hard to understand? :P

It was a 100% idiotic system to begin with, and I don't believe Rocket thought it through before he chose to use it.

Which is probably why he removed it too. He's a smart guy, Rocket. He owns up to his mistakes.

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So much this.

When everyone started out' date=' nobody had the bandit skin.

When someone who wanted to be one then shot at a guy who didn't, if the guy who didn't chose to defend himself and killed the guy who did, he became what he didn't want to be.

Why is that so hard to understand? :P

It was a 100% idiotic system to begin with, and I don't believe Rocket thought it through before he chose to use it.

Which is probably why he removed it too. He's a smart guy, Rocket. He owns up to his mistakes.


Problem is the system is now used for the heartbeat.

The skin was good the system used to give the skin was/is flawed.

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I prefer no bandit skins, this is a sim game right? At what point are you able to tell if someone is bad in real life, it's not going to be their clothing. Now if they pull a pistol and start shooting at you, that might be a better hint. I just want my starter pistol, water, and food back. I'm still pretty much a noob at this game but my average life went from an hour to about 20 min.

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Bandit Skin was the worst idea the game has had yet. I'm glad it's gone and I don't even think the heartbeat thing is necessary. Either avoid other players or communicate with them.

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Can someone explain the heartbeat thing to me? I've only played 7.1.1 for a short time.

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Can someone explain the heartbeat thing to me? I've only played 7.1.1 for a short time.

If you aim at a survivor, you hear a heartbeat, the faster it is, the lower their humanity. But to be honest, I haven't heard anything yet so I'm not sure if it's working.

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History shows that people express their personality's via the clothing they wear or the body art they display or the ornaments they wear.

Its part of who we are as a race.

Yes there are some exceptions to the rule but in the majority, what we wear or display tells others something about who we are and what we are like.

Saying that you cannot judge someone by what they look like is a bad excuse for not using a system in a game that attempts to simulate what we as a race have done for hundreds or thousands of years.

I say that the bandits would dress and act differently from survivors.

Just because they are human and its part of who we are.

Survivors would also dress in a way so as to let other survivors know them at a distance to avoid being seen as a bandit.

Yes some Bandits / Murderers would dress in a way to try and deceive the survivors. But that is already possible ingame with the cammo skins and guille suits.

It wasnt the skins that where broken it was the way they where applied in the mod.

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On our Server there is a lot of random cooperating players, and a lot of premade groups walking around. Heartbeat-Thingie is nice and has the right range. Bandit Skin did not help anybody. People get shot - thats the game - get over it.

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