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Team Up?

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Just got back into dayz, been a while. I played for a few months and the group I had before is pretty much gone. So I need to make some new allies. I'm a bandit type of player, and i'd like being in a bandit clan if possible. But over all, all I really am looking for are new people to play and survive with. I prefer Skype for communication, but any voice chat program works. Message or comment if interested in teaming up.

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I'm not teaming up with Cerberus!

I'll never work for terrorist's!- Shepard to Jacob on the Lazarus station in ME2.

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Hi my in-game is |Alumni| UnKnowN and I'm in a clan of 10 players and we always work together as a team. Our group plays regularly. We're hostile ,normally shoot on sight. I'm looking for players who are experienced and know their way around the map.

The requirements are listed bellow:

1. Sociable (unshy)

2. Mature

3. 14+ (14 and over)

4. Speak English (must be fluent)

5. Patient

6. Team player


8. Teamspeak

9. Experienced

If you meet the requirements add me on:

Skype: anthony.abbat38

Steam: Gam3rx3

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hey your more then welcome to get on our server. It is fairly new however we have a booming population now of 15-20 players. we do currently have some bandits on the server. we also have a hero group. im sure there is someone bandit or hero whichever you prefer that you coud team up with. i know we do have a few loners lol. Anywho you can read more about our server here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/131855-planet-f8l-new-server-us/#entry1279250 that is our forum post, or in my sig is the info if you just wanna join. we do have mumble also if you want that info you can msg me on here and i can get it to you our u can just visit our website which has all the info to, also in my sig. Either way happy hunting :)

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I'm 19, in US Eastern time zone and moderately experienced with DayZ vanilla, open to try any mods and team up with bandits!


skype - therealbrandito

steam - therealbrandito

PMs are welcome! :D

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