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Shot in the back

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So, long story short, met a guy and was hanging with him for a while, traveled from neaf to nwaf together, then out of the blue he shoots me in the back, takes my gear and logs out, so I can't go hunt him down.

I have never had this happen before in terms of the player logging out straight after, I wouldnt have know it was him (infact I thought it was a sniper) if it wasnt for the fact that he ran upto my to body right after and started looting me.

Edited by Yoshi1991

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So, long story short, met a guy and was hanging with him for a while, traveled from neaf to nwaf together, then out of the blue he shoots me in the back, takes my gear and logs out, so I can't go hunt him down.

Only happened to me once... I had an M24 and decided to team up with a guy who had a CZ. Then his unarmed buddy ran up to us as we prepared to snipe a few people... I gave his buddy the M1014 in my backpack, he asked if I had ammo and I dropped a couple mags for him, he loaded and immediately shot the 8 rounds into me.


Lesson learned, I'm more careful now.

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yeah, whenever I meet someone I always have them run in front of me for this reason, and if they don't comply then I take 'em out

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Guy was probably gonna leave anyway and was just like "screw it"

People can be mean and inconsiderate like that

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this is something you have to be cautious of when meeting other people.

there is a certain protocol I follow when there is human contact.

here it is in terms of algorythms:

class "certain procedures" {

do not approach targets from the front;

target must have weapon lowered at all times (except during engagements);

target must remain in vision radius at all times (unless explicitly mentioned);

target must communicate, failure to do so can lead to confusion and can be considered grounds to attack.;

target must respond to pleas/demands or else be avoided or killed.;

if the above does not help you. shoot on sight.;



if " hard contact "{

do appropriate hard contact procedures; // ( take cover, locate shooter, resolve the situation ) }

else if " soft contact " {

deduce the immidiate threat of target;

decide if to confront target;

if "choose to confront"{ // (can be a good idea if target is interfering with an objective)

order target to comply with certain procedures, failure to comply is considered an hostile act and a reason to fire.;

else, decide if to shoot or avoid;

if "avoid" {

keep a good distance and leave the area.;}

else {"Good luck!"}




// may need work and is subject to change, Shoot everything on sight is a good alternative to this algorythm

Edited by Psychiatrist
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I tend to just kidnap people rather than risk being shot by them. Much more exciting

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This has never happened to me, and I have teamed up with a lot of people.

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Thats why you never turn your back on people, they're complete asshats by nature in this game. Keep them in front of you and this won't happen. (Also, don't hand out guns. Thats generally a bad idea.)

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Well, I once ran 8km to save a guy because I was a forum medic. Once I got there (We were in a skype call) I gave him a blood bag and stuff then gave him a spare ghillie I had. As I was walking out he put a mag into my back and laughed sadisticly in skype call.

Never again

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