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Day Z- Nugo's Sniping Fundamentals // Guide to Sniping

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Can't watch the video right now but I'm obsessed with sniping at the moment, so I'll watch it later. I spent a couple hours (more) looking for a CZ550 and now my inventory is full of magazines, but no rifle. I want to run it at 1000+ meters. In this regard, it's a shame most servers have such limited view distance. :thumbsup:

Oh, I found a couple wonderful spots on a mountain, 1,700m line of sight and totally secluded... if I had an AS50...

Edited by Gews

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CZ loot run...man i go far and wide for that thing...fucking painful, i honestly find more incidental DMRs/high tier guns that im not looking for...BUT...you do come across it eventually. Where do you find yours? I go kemenka north for a long stretch of + tier farms...got a better run to look? I only once got rangerfinder+CZ combo but my character dissapeared into a new patch.

The worst used to be seeing 'cz' mags but they were just bait and switch enfield mags...

Good guide too...some action wouldn't hurt! (But its suprisingly hard to make a sniper tutorial with combat footage, but im sure you have some)

One thing i would add is that most 'snipers' need to add, at minium, one third or double their shooting distance, most snipers in dayz pick spots too close to where they intend to shoot.

Edited by Trizzo

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CZ loot run...man i go far and wide for that thing...fucking painful, i honestly find more incidental DMRs/high tier guns that im not looking for...BUT...you do come across it eventually. Where do you find yours?

I spent several hours combing the map yesterday and today, from Cherno to Elektro, Pusta to Staroye (ran into a geared-up group in Staroye), then to Gorka, Novy, etc, etc. Finally found one in Staroye ten minutes ago. By that time I'd found a DMR, but I want the CZ more so I'm giving the DMR and my bus away to some dude (found 7 mags for it before finding the rifle itself).

most snipers in dayz pick spots too close to where they intend to shoot.

Ugh, that is so boring... I pick the furthest possible spot (when my life's not on the line) because it's more fun.

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Ugh, that is so boring... I pick the furthest possible spot (when my life's not on the line) because it's more fun.

Does not mean its always the best option. Also if anything being closer to the action would make it more fun due to the added danger?

Anyone who is actually proficient in armed combat or has any tactical experience (other than games, im talking about actual soldiers etc) will tell you that there is a sweet spot between being too far from the action adding increased risk of missing the target or not maintaining full situational awareness and being too close too the target ie miss and he can shoot you etc.

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Does not mean its always the best option. Also if anything being closer to the action would make it more fun due to the added danger?

Anyone who is actually proficient in armed combat or has any tactical experience (other than games, im talking about actual soldiers etc) will tell you that there is a sweet spot between being too far from the action adding increased risk of missing the target or not maintaining full situational awareness and being too close too the target ie miss and he can shoot you etc.

That's why I added the "when my life's not on the line" part, if I needed to definitely kill someone or was in a squad fight I would move to wherever I thought was most advantageous.

When I'm just playing solo in DayZ and feel like sniping for no particular reason, I'll try to find the longest line of sight and shoot for fun. In that case don't care about the sure kills so much, you'd need to hit someone 3-4 times at long ranges anyways.

Edited by Gews

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Going to to an advanced one sometime soon also

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