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Outfits affect the way you play

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I have seen that the SA will have plenty of outfits type (jogger shoes, jeans, sportswear etc...). I don't know if they have already planned it but it would be awesome that outfits are changing the attributes of the character i.e :

Rangers = faster in the forest/plain

Sports shoes = faster on road

Jeans = less comfortable, harder to move

Army pants = better everywhere

Rain coat = less cold, not full of water but too hot when sun is up


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I don't think they should have attributes like that, it's not World of Warcraft.

I would be perfectly happy as long as there were a few 'special' items with extra effects (Kevlar helmets can save a shot to the head, vest can reduce round damage to a certain amount, jackets reduce heat loss etc.).

It should be more down to what you can find, the better stuff being the camo/military gear that allows you to blend in more, you aren't going to run significantly faster in the forest because you have a pair of magic boots on.

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Well,if it is raining or if it's fresh morning and if you have sportshoes on, you won't be able to run, you will slide all the time and fall down (in real life). With rangers, it would be totally different and you would be able to run as fast as during a normal day.

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Well,if it is raining or if it's fresh morning and if you have sportshoes on, you won't be able to run, you will slide all the time and fall down (in real life).

Speak for yourself.

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I think the plan is for clothes to have certain effects. For example a big coat will have more pockets for storing small items and will keep you warm ect, a motorcycle helmet will help protect your head from melee attacks and a head-torch has a torch on it :) .

Not sure about shoes ect though.

Edited by Fraggle

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Speak for yourself.



I guess you have never done sports then (if you mean it really). With nike sport shoes (not for trail but for standard running), you wouldn't be able to run on humid grass or full of water ground without falling (on cliff etc... not when it's flat). And in the same way you wouldn't be able to run as fast on asphalt with rangers as with sportshoes...

Edited by mattt*

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What is it with people that think army gear is necessarly better at everything?

I like to believe things meant to be used by soldiers (at least from developed countries) are probably well-made. I don't know why it would matter with pants, but military pants probably work well outdoors.

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What is it with people that think army gear is necessarly better at everything?

If you put camo on something your swag levels go through the roof. Fact.

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I like to believe things meant to be used by soldiers (at least from developed countries) are probably well-made. I don't know why it would matter with pants, but military pants probably work well outdoors.

I am reading that the main criticism about BDUs for instance is that they are designed around durability and practicality at the price of an increased heat retension. The open weave construction tend to reduce this overheating problem but is easily penetrated by tropical insect bites increasing disease risks.

It stands to reason that a motorcycle jacket will protect you better from zombie bites than bdu.

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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yea !!! I want harry potter cape to becoma invisible :facepalm:

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A lot of times military gear is made by the lowest bidder. You'd probably be able to find better things at an outdoor equipment store since price tags don't matter anymore!

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I'd never take army gear over properlly constructed hunting gear, which allows you to pick and choose the best combination of clothing.

And pants are no less important clothing article than anything else, they are critical. Pants get wet very easily (dew off grass, kneeing down, sitting) so if you don't have a material that can evaportate water and wick sweat of your body your legs will freeze. If you don't have spares or leggings that can dry you will have less insulation in your sleeping bag. A good choice of pants/short combination is espeically important for wet weather because despite your choice rainjacket from cheap poncho through to gortex, an outer shell won't defy gravity, rain rolls down and your pants will be the wettest part of your body if you choose the wrong gear.The focal point for this pants nightmare is your penis. It withers and cries and your balls can't be found. They retreat deep into your scrot. Pants are my least favorite piece of kit because they can be the most unpleasant. I like thermals with shorts. Diversity.

As for the clothes idea...it's happening. So take that op!

Edited by Trizzo

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I am with u people, but I can't help but think of all these little, shoddy dressed, stinko Himalayans who would pick up a super kitted European on their backs and carry them like forever. Them tourists and all their high tech gear and clothes, while they would go barefoot on wet snow so as not to get their shoes worn. Human is an animal of habbit...

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Just saying, things like army boots are especially uncomfortable when worn for long periods of time, and you can't really run properly in them either. This comes from some experience of the things. B)

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