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Anyone else bothered by the lack of zeroing?

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I have been playing arma since before OA and was overjoyed when they introduced weapon zeroing on optics and the AK... but that's just it, it's jsut optics... and for some reason the AK and we all know the AK can´t hit the broad side of a barn from the inside.

So I was wondering if anyone else thought that more weapons should have zeroing.

The regular flip ups / Irons on most of the weapons can be adjusted in a variety of ways, the M16A2 has very comfortable sights that I am very familiar with and I would very much like to be able to adjust them for distance instead of just blocking my vision at a distance.

just my 2 beans.

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Yup, most of the guns have adjustable sights. However I find it slightly unrealistic that you can simply raise the rear tangent sight on an AK and hit at extended ranges. When engaged in combat troops probably aren't going to be adjusting their sights, they'd just hold over or under, especially since most combat takes place at short ranges due to visibility (think under 100m in an urban situation) but in DayZ people do it all the time and the rifle stays pointed on target while doing so. Many armies didn't even allow troops to adjust their own sights, only NCOs. In Rhodesia they found many AKs have been recovered with the rear sights set to the maximum ranges, meaning that the uneducated owner was firing far too high and not hitting shit. I'm indifferent on the sight adjustment situation, at least for many iron-sighted rifles. Both ways have their realism downsides. All in all I'd probably prefer it with the option, but it should take a slight amount of time to make the change.

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Dont allow soldiers to set their own sights? I've never heard of this in my life. Maybe if you mean ACTUAL zeroing, as in adjusting the sight to the inividual shooter, but so far as adjusting the ranges, literally every military I have ever worked with teaches troops to do this.

America, Britain, Germany, Canada (my military), everyone. You simply are inneffective if you are unable to adjust the range of your weapon.

As a side note, engagement vary from 2 feet to 600 or more meters in my experience. Just sayin.

EdIT: this wasn't meant to flame, just to make a point.

Edited by Merrick362

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Dont allow soldiers to set their own sights? I've never heard of this in my life. Maybe if you mean ACTUAL zeroing, as in adjusting the sight to the inividual shooter, but so far as adjusting the ranges, literally every military I have ever worked with teaches troops to do this.

America, Britain, Germany, Canada (my military), everyone. You simply are inneffective if you are unable to adjust the range of your weapon.

As a side note, engagement vary from 2 feet to 600 or more meters in my experience. Just sayin.

EdIT: this wasn't meant to flame, just to make a point.

Red Army, not the most lax army... NCO set the sights to what he thought proper and told his soldiers to leave it there. Obviously troops need to be trained how to use their own weapons but if one was actually engaged in a firefight it doesn't seem likely one would go "oh, he's about 200 meters away so I'll slide the sight up to that range now " while taking fire. In a less urgent situation where you have time yes, or when it's necessary, but I think DayZ makes it slightly too easy, taptaptap and you can change elevation in the blink of an eye. Ease of use is probably partly why they included fixed, non-adjustable and large battle sights on many rifles, even those with perfectly good adjustable sights (the Lee-Enfield has a battle sight zeroed at 300 yards, not 100 or 200, which makes it seem like it was meant to be a general-use sight, not just for the closest work). For most combat situations it's probably simpler to hold over or under instead of fiddling with the site, shoot low on the first shot, simply aim a bit higher next time. The M16A1 even required some form of tool to adjust the rear sight, making it impossible to do so quickly). Adjusting your sights obviously has its place but I don't think it's portrayed very realistically... it's just not as quick as tapping your pinkie finger on Page Up in real life was my main point.

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tbh I would just set my sights to 300 and leave them there, as that is the most comfortable adjustment for most engagements

I would just love to be able to adjust everything in the standalone, since they are going to allow us to swap attachments mid combat anyways xD

Edited by Psychiatrist

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Red Army, not the most lax army... NCO set the sights to what he thought proper and told his soldiers to leave it there. Obviously troops need to be trained how to use their.... finger on Page Up in real life was my main point.

Fair enough, I was thinking more "western" (NATO) armies, not eastern block style militaries.

In my personal experience, modern sights are very easy to adjust, provided they arent , for lack of a better term, Fixed" sights, such as an ACOG where the ranging is built in. My own service rifle has a C79 Optical sight that has a very intuitive dial marked from 200-800 meters. Just judge, spin and correct if needed.

Again, not trying tostart a flame war here, im just trapped on base and bored to tears.

EXIT: psychiatrist, that is my usual strategy in this game as well. Inside 300m, any first round accuracy lost is more than made up for by volume of fire.

Edited by Merrick362
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@the OP:

No, it really does not bother me as DayZ is a video game - a really enjoyable one - but a video game just the same. I'd rather not have to march off to the range and zero my weapon before heading out to survive for the day's play, or re-zero it after some rambo type ran me over with a bus. Regardless of the intensity, in DayZ your polygons only bleed pixels.

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