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An idea to increase teamwork

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Once you get the feel for dayz in a couple of days, the only thing you worry about is bandits and unfriendly survivors. But not zombies. This is because the zombies are to easy to avoid and kill. So why not increase the zombie's abilities, strength and count. Maybe even add hordes randomly on the server which patrols the whole map, and maybe even spawn them in trees and open fields? I have been playing for a month and have noticed they only spawn around buildings? Imagine seeing this image that i've attached every few hours? I bet you would want a helping hand to get around this!


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The hordes idea has been suggested countless times. Rocket's plan for SA is to make the zombies actually a threat.

In SA a certain amount of zombies are going to spawn in the map every restart. I think like 2,000. Then the zombies will begin to disperse and spread out. This will allow for zombies to be pretty much any where. I'm not sure if zombies will group into hordes but there will defintley be zombies just about anywhere you go.

With zombies being smarter and such in SA, they should actually be a threat. Or atleast that is what we hope.

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But I like to make them dance.........

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In SA a certain amount of zombies are going to spawn in the map every restart. I think like 2,000

so... its possible to kill all zombies and 100% clear zones ?

Edited by JIJOK

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so... its possible to kill all zombies and 100% clear zones ?

You'll be able to clear an area temporarly but they will repawn eventually. I think with the numbers of zombies and if there hearing is sorted it wont be hard to get a good size hoard after you :D

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Upcoming patch:

* [uPDATED] - Zed spawn timer to 5 mins from 2 mins this should allow an area to be cleared of zeds before more spawn.

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I still don't think adding more zombies/making them stronger will do anything to make players work together. It's all one big competition, and making it harder to survive is just going to put more and more pressure on players to take whatever they can whenever they can. This would include shooting your newfound friend Larry in the head and taking what he has, because if you wait any longer you'll have to face a ton of super zombies to get supplies.

so far the only thing i've seen to get people together and work towards a common goal, is sometimes when a server is almost empty people use side chat to get together and go fix a chopper or something.

Edited by Chris529

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the server i play on has random Z spawns , youll find them wondering around in forests and fields

only thing it does is annoy you sometimes when sniping out in the countryside, aim at your target fire ... hear a Z going agro and realise there was one 50 meters to your left in some tree's.

until thier AI and hearing gets sorted they wont be a threat even if you put 100 in a conga line, well unless your dumb eough to try and kill them all rather then just leg it in the woods and dodge round a few trees and bushes to lose them.

Edited by stuffnthings

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Excuse the poor quality of the video and the overall movie (which was awful)

That picture in the OP is awesome by the way.

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I want hordes just so I can use the M249 with 8 Mags that has been collecting dust in my tent. :)

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Rocket said that once they optimize it a bit more, they can increase it to 5,000 and even larger numbers.

Good, because 75 players with guns and ammo can sweep out the 2000 zombies pretty fast.

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the server i play on has random Z spawns , youll find them wondering around in forests and fields


I'm pretty sure that's global for all servers on the latest update

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been suggested before.

Edited by The reloader.

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I still don't think adding more zombies/making them stronger will do anything to make players work together. It's all one big competition, and making it harder to survive is just going to put more and more pressure on players to take whatever they can whenever they can.

What would be good is that there is a big amount of zombies on the server (4000 or even more) and that every shot can attract zombies which are 300 meters around. It means that every shot could be death anywhere on the map if the 300 meters perimeter around the player shooting is not clear enough or if the shooter is not well organised. If you add the fact that ammo are rarer, it could be really for a bandit to make a choice between using his 1 AK mag to kill 2 survivors and maybe 20 zombies coming around him.

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I am just hoping there is a bit of variation in the SA ie: does every single building absolutely have to have zombies spawning all the time there? Be nice to creep up to a barn and breath a sigh of relief that there is none. Next stop over the hill and the place is hoaching with the bastards, so you decide to avoid the place.

Edited by SAL_iOGC
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The zeds are too predictable and easy to handle, that's for damn sure. But whether beefing up their strength is a surefire way to encourage cooperation is debatable.

It's always going to be up to the individual how they react in any given situation.

Ideally, the wandering zeds in SA will get the drop on players every now and then, as opposed to being exactly where you expect them to be, doing exactly what you'd expect them to do.

What Chris said about the competitive nature of DayZ is right, but giving folks opportunities and reasons to help each other out is more likely to encourage teamwork than doing nothing.

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