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Still having lingering FPS issues, am I alone?

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TL;DR: Still having FPS issues, can anyone maybe even a developer answer why I have issues and my friend doesn't on the same server?

EDIT: I was playing last night. I was having fewer issues with 1.7.1, but almost every single server gave me less than 5 FPS.

So I bought ArmA II on May 15 specifically for DayZ. I've been playing almost daily since then. Somewhere around the patch there was a huge FPS issue that was introduced, and then corrected a short time later. It's been off and on for the most part but I am still having FPS issues ever since that patch.

My buddy who plays with me has NEVER experienced these issues on any server, EVER. I've also seen a considerable decline in the number of people complaining about FPS issues here on the forums which is starting to make me think something is wrong with my system.

I server hopped for over 30 minutes last night and probably tried at least 15 different servers. Only two of those had good FPS, but I got kicked off of them after just a minute for the BattleEYE error #16.

I have a pretty strong system, and I've tried 3, yes 3 video cards in my system and none of them have any impact whatsoever on my FPS. At least for me it is DIRECTLY related to the server I'm on. It just, at least to me, makes absolutely no sense why a server issue would cause problems ONLY on specific clients.

My buddy running a considerably older 9800GT is having no issues. I'm half considering digging my old 8800GT out of closet and trying that. But given the other cards having no impact I haven't tried that yet. I also do play other games and it would be a hassle to switch cards every time I want to play DayZ.

Is anyone still experiencing FPS issues?

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you same here man.

i was actually excited for 1.7.1 because all of a sudden i was getting great fps, but of course i couldn't find any weappons/food.

then they ninja patched it with and now i can find weappons/food but my fps are shit again.

sad panda is sad.

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Different FPS in different servers is related to different servers having different view distances and different dead body counts. Both of those reduce FPS.

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I'm fairly certain it's server side and dependent upon when you joined the server. My friends and I joined a server another friend had been on for an hour or two.. we all had 5-10 fps, while he had a perfectly playable ~30.

Server admins really need to be on the ball with server restarts.

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Interesting, I wonder what could possibly affect that? I have noticed a couple times that if I'm having decent FPS (~20-30) and die, when I reconnect my FPS will be unplayable (~5).

Anyone have any clue what could cause this?

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I'm fairly certain it's server side and dependent upon when you joined the server. My friends and I joined a server another friend had been on for an hour or two.. we all had 5-10 fps' date=' while he had a perfectly playable ~30.

Server admins really need to be on the ball with server restarts.


that is true. there is a huge disparity in server preformances. sometimes you have to try quite a few servers before you can get a good one.

i've even gotten onto servers where there were no zombies at all. others are pitch black, while some are night time but you can see very well.

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