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Dayz + Arma 2 not working having to buy again!!

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Hello everybody.

i formatted my computer last night before i went to sleep and i wake up today installed Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead and Dayz Commander and everytime i open dayz commander its saying this

Before you can start killing zombies....

it doesn`t appear you have Arma2 Combined Operations installed and/ or you have not started the game manually first. Would you like to purchase Arma2 Combined Operations right now?

i already have installed what is needed!

this pops up when i open dayz commander and also yes i did run both games before starting dayz commander but i dont have any idea on how to hotfix this any ideas guys thanks for reading much helped.

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Have you installed the Arma game update ? Arma OA 1.62 Update

Then check in DZC and make sure that the paths are correct in the settings tab, Arma 2 points to the Arma 2.exe etc

The beta-patches and @Dayz mod files will be done through DZC.

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Have you installed the Arma game update ? Arma OA 1.62 Update

Then check in DZC and make sure that the paths are correct in the settings tab, Arma 2 points to the Arma 2.exe etc

The beta-patches and @Dayz mod files will be done through DZC.

I will check that now will reply if fixed or not Thank you

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Also make sure you have launched both ArmA 2 and OA to the main menu to complete the installation.

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Try running your arma II and arma II: OA games once, so it can find a path to your files.. worked for me :)

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I ran into a similar issue when I had to reinstall. What I did was install a series of patches beginning with 1.11 to 1.60 then to the latest patch. Also make sure you use the 2 cd keys given toy ou in the manuel. It's possible you used the same one for both disk. 1 key is for ARMA 2 and the other key is for Operation Arrowhead/Combined Operations. There is no need to buy another copy of the game as the title says. You can't be panicing like this, it can lead many to their deaths.

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