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noob here just started today.... dayzcommander....

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I downloaded the arma 2 games through steam. I just found out about this dayz commander software that seems great. My question is when I go to download commander it just takes me to download the game all over again (through amazon). Will be unable to download commander since I went through steam? Please help, I am starting to like this game. I heard you lose your items if you start on different server so I dont want to have to start all over again and again. Please help!

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Unfortunately if you downloaded DayZ through steam you wont be able to use Commander.

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Uh, I downloaded Dayz through Steam... What are you talking about?

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Unfortunately if you downloaded DayZ through steam you wont be able to use Commander.

Not true.

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Hello there

I use steam and commander with no issues.

@OP have you run the games by themselves yet? you need to run both Arma2 and Arma OA at least once to finalise their setup.



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OK, I got Commander now. Am I able to launch games through here or only copy the ip address? When I paste it in the game it always says "server rejected bad connection" everytime. Any suggestions?

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You should be able to click and launch right in DC.

Try youtube for guides to DAYZ Commander..

BUT REMEMBER! only download software for dayz etc from reputable sources dont be tempted to use a youtube link without doing your research.


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Once you have Arma II and Arma II OA downloaded you need to run them to the main menu screen.

From there, go to DayZ Commander, and go to the install/update tab. There are a lot of options, but for vanilla dayz, all you need to install/update is Arma II and DayZ. The text will be white when you're up to date.

Finally, open the settings tab in DayZ Commander. Check both steam options and you should be set. Just go to the servers tab, set "dayz only", check all 4 options under that box, and set the other filters how you like, and you can browse all the servers that will work for you.

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hes talking about dayz via steam+commander. Not arma2+commander. dayz is so tiny.

Just use commander dude.

Click on all the updates let the, update and go to bed...

wakey wakey... you dont have to start over again, your server saves your character.

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Ok thanks everyone I am getting the hang of it. So in order to save my game I must use the same server I was on before, correct? Also, I got into some games where I started off with a lot of nice guns and gear but not my style. What are best filters on Commander to just play basic public servers and start from scratch?

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To play on the official public hive, just check the "hide unofficial" in your browser. All these server will have basic starter gear (bandage, painkillers, patrol pack), normal amount of cars, and all that jazz. Also with this public hive, your can change between these servers and your same character will load in, with the same gear and position as before. It's only private hives where you have to keep going back to the same server.

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Ok thanks everyone I am getting the hang of it. So in order to save my game I must use the same server I was on before, correct? Also, I got into some games where I started off with a lot of nice guns and gear but not my style. What are best filters on Commander to just play basic public servers and start from scratch?

You have to click Hide Unofficial if you only want to play on official servers and keep your equipment between servers. Private hives can be fun because they can modify the servers with new buildings, vehicles, starting loadouts, etc.

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