LkPr 3 Posted April 15, 2013 Hello! I'm new to the forums and new to this game and I have a question. Is this game playable/can it be enjoyable solo? To be honest, I have never played Arma 2 and am relatively new to pc gaming (just build my first rig in December). I LOVE The Walking Dead and in looking for some new games to play I came across this one and to me it screams TWD. I read that the stand-alone game is coming out this summer but I need something to play now, so before I spend $25 USD to buy Arma 2: Combined Operations I'm looking for some advice!I don't have any rl friends that play this game and from what I have read so far you can't really trust anyone in game so would this game be enjoyable to a solo noob like me? Is there a huge learning curve to go through? And finally, how do I find a good sever to play on?I have been reading these forums a bit so I kind of know what to expect, but any guidance would be appreciated!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TG ! Jimmy 216 Posted April 15, 2013 There's a sizeable learning curve to just getting comfortable with the controls/UI and some of the clumsy features of the game as-is; however, I wouldn't let that deter you from buying it. It's a great game, and a hell of a concept. You're welcome to join up our server, there are plenty of seasoned players who are more than willing to help newer players out. We've got a teamspeak as well, if you're familiar with that program. Easy way to meet up and get some advice from guys that have been playing a while.The survival aspect of the game will be quite fun, and certainly is do-able on your own. Of course, to add a touch of realism, every time you come across another player is a chance for you to either make a friend or an enemy--which as you've said is quite a bit like TWD.Hope to see you pick up the game, it's a great time!Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meeshe 170 Posted April 15, 2013 Hi, solo noob here to tell you that many, many people "lonewolf" it. You can have a blast playing that way. You should know though that its harder to play this way and does get a bit lonely sometimes. Good thing about DayZ though is you can have it both ways. You'll learn over time who to trust and who to avoid like the plague on the servers you play on regularly. Join a whitelisted private server. There is a subforum where you can look at peeps advertising their servers. Its true that you should be careful who you trust. Always go into an encounter prepared for the worst (keep yourself in an advantageous position and have an escape route planned). You will die a lot but thats jsut part of the game. Loot is easy to find so don't get attached to your gear, theres always more to be found. There is a steep learning curve to the game but thats part of the fun. Don't go to websites and look up maps and any information other than the basics of playing the game. The best part of DayZ, imho, is the first days when your running around, knowing nothing, just trying to survive.Oh, and get a hatchet. Best zombie killing weapon in the game. Just a suggestion from me but once you learn the game and get pretty good at it, dont go taking revenge for all the times you got killed by KOS deathmatch players ( this will happen many many times >:( ) on unarmed or melee equipped survivors. have fun, this is a great mod and its a good way to pass the time until we get our hands on the standalone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
applejaxc 2500 Posted April 15, 2013 The game takes A LONG time to learn how to play (I'm a long-time ArmA 2 veteran, and DayZ left me confused for at least 2 weeks) if you aren't used to rugged survival games. (Imagine Far Cry 3 without a map/minimap, Fallout 3/New Vegas without a map/minimiap, or Skyrim without a map/minimap, and if you don't eat often enough you die. Also, you're constantly getting attacked by land sharks/super mutants/dragons).It is very easily playable solo. The only threat is, recovering from bad firefights is a lot harder on legitimate solo, because the fastest way to heal yourself involves a friend/ly stranger for a blood transfusion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 31 Posted April 15, 2013 (edited) Well after getting past the learning curve you can defiantly play solo, but it seems to be more fun when you team up a little bit.Also become comfortable dying, You'll be doing this a lot Edited April 15, 2013 by A_Moss_Herder Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ocelot07 60 Posted April 15, 2013 If you want my advice. Don't trust anyone right away. If you see someone with any type of weapon just stay clear of them. Or if you can get clost enough without them seeing you ask if there friendly if no responce then again just stay clear of them. If they do say there friendly then well then go with your gut. If you believe they are friendly then see if they will team up or what not. If not and they kill you then lesson learnt.Also you are going to die in this game. So do not get to comfitable with your loot. Sooner or later you will lose it all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Guardian- 206 Posted April 15, 2013 if youre looking for a good game to play, Arma 2 is a fun game to play and in my opinion worth the money all in itself. DayZ is also well worth it once you get used to it, and coming from someone else who also loves TWD, this is the closest you can get to the show with a game. I also mean that in every aspect. I wont spoil anything in the show, but the way they treat people in that show is a likely way you may get treated in game. hardly anyone trusts anyone man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fluxley 2228 Posted April 16, 2013 (edited) My advice to anyone playing for the first time is to go solo for a while, it makes the whole experience so much more intense and immersive when you dont have someone there to guide you through how to handle everything the game throws at you (including the bugs),Stay away from servers with side chat, dont use an online map(one of my biggest regrets is using the dayzdb map early on),and stay off teamspeak, It'll be hard as hell, you wont know where to go, the world will seem huge and you'll die plenty to zombies players and glitches, But if you want an unforgiving zombie survival game thats the way to do it.Dont get me wrong, i really enjoy playing with a team of people, met some really good friends from playing this game and the game can be funny as hell when you share the experience with someone else. but it can also become a bit too easy when playing with others. but for the first few weeks at least try it solo.I often wish i could just forget everything i know about dayz and start fresh on the coast with no idea where to go, the only goal being to survive. Edited April 16, 2013 by Fluxley58 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bogulez 11 Posted April 16, 2013 I think solo is one of the most fun ways to play. Playing with a friend or two is also great, but when there are more than about 3 players attempting to work together, communication can get a bit difficult unless you have a rigid chain of command.As a beginner I would stick to low population (<20), night time official hive servers. This is a great way to learn the game solo as you can really take your time, learn the map and reach a ripe old age. However you will never get good until you start fighting players and getting frequently killed. Every death will teach you something in DayZ.I find that private hive servers with hundreds of vehicles and open side-chat cheapens the experience somewhat, but it's still fun in a different way. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bogroll 35 Posted April 16, 2013 (edited) I agree with Fluxley58 above. Solo is incredibly immersive - played my first 2-3 months like that. With no savegame feature you truly are on your own; every thing is precious - every encounter with other players a heartstopper. I'm glad I started playing the game that way. If I'd picked some clan and joined it from the start, things wouldn't have felt the same. However I'm very happy that I did pick one eventually as team play is great fun, especially if the players you are with are good. Edited April 16, 2013 by SAL_iOGC 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LkPr 3 Posted April 16, 2013 Thanks everyone! Last night I jumped into the game and as many have mentioned, died A LOT. I was actually only killed by players twice - once when I was running from zombies and I was followed into a barn and then killed while I was unarmed. The second time I was rummaging around a hanger I believe and was killed out of no where (probably a sniper). I'm slowly learning the controls but I know this is going to take awhile. My biggest question now is how do I choose a (good) server? I went into 3 different ones last night - the thing that confused me was each time I started with different items. I think as a new solo player I want to choose a server with a low population, less chance for pvp.Another question is do I keep the same character if I change servers? And if so, do they stay in the same spot on the new server? Finally, how do I set up a camp? Do I need to find a tent as loot?Again, thanks for all the help! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
herrjon 478 Posted April 16, 2013 (edited) You'll want to stick the public hive. To play on the official public hive, just check the "hide unofficial" in your browser. All these server will have basic starter gear (bandage, painkillers, patrol pack), normal amount of cars, and all that jazz. Also with this public hive, your can change between these servers and your same character will load in, with the same gear and position as before. It's only private servers that have their own hives and feel the need to start fresh spawns with the most random gear.As for a camp, and I assume you mean storing gear somewhere that's not on your character, you'll need a tent or a vehicle. Vehicles are obviously more useful, but tents are harder to find and can't be driven away by looters...yet. Tents can be found in any residential building, but have a higher chance of spawning in supermarkets. Vehicles spawn all over the map, but must be repaired and fueled. Once placed, a tent is tied to the server, meaning if you log in to a different server, it won't be there, but on the server you placed it on. This also means the tent (and vehicles) and your gear exist in the server 24/7, and other players can find it and help themselves to your gear. So be sure to hide it well. Edited April 16, 2013 by (TMW)HerrJon 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dekkymane 145 Posted April 16, 2013 If you're solo all the gear you find is yours. With a group people might fight over who gets what gear... *AS50 at the crash site* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted April 16, 2013 I roll lone wolf most of the time. Unfortuantely firefights have to be planned rather than spontaneous engagement.I.E I had to spend 2 days planning to attack a camp of 3 people simply so I could so where I could fight them and hold the advantage.Message me if you want any tips :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Uncle Zed 272 Posted April 16, 2013 It can be fun by yourself, but if you find a good server with AI, it can add a new flavor to playing alone (See KillinZedz in the browser for an AI server). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LkPr 3 Posted April 17, 2013 (edited) How about DayZ Origins? Anyone have experience with that mod? Is it noob friendly or should I stick with DayZ for awhile and learn the ropes?Origins seems like less of a game to solo in as well. Edited April 17, 2013 by LkPr Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dekkymane 145 Posted April 19, 2013 It is much better with a freind but if you're solo atleast have a mic so you can quickly say freindly to other players, if you're not a bandit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bubbajones 238 Posted April 19, 2013 You can also browse this forum for groups and friends. there are literally hundreds of threads of lone wolves looking for a few buds to group with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites