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Dayz.st Lag Issues and lack of helpful support.

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Since Dayz.st announced their database relocation to help improve stability and speed I've had nothing but total lag, my players are constantly asking me when its going to get fixed and all I get back from Dayz.st is bullshit. They changed something over a few days ago and the map link changed, and that's when all the lag issues started. I gave them a few days before i emailed them, so as not to seem like I was being unreasonable. I got a reply saying they were doing the database transfer today 3am their time, which was several hours ago and still nothing. They didn't mention why I might be experiencing lag and even tried to shrug it off as not their problem. I've spoken to several other dayz.st server owners who have exactly the same issues since dayz.st started messing around with the servers. In their IRC channel dozens of people were like "OH, I thought the lag was just me"... So come on, wtf is going on dayz.st?

Anyone got a good recommendation for alternative dayz server providers? If they haven't fixed the lag by tomorrow I'm switching to another provider. Their support is absolutely lousy and for $30 a month I'd expect just a little bit more urgency with issues like this.. My server has gone from 30 users every evening, to around 10 ... all due to this dam lag!

Dayz.st claimed their changes would improve speed and stability, well I've got news for you..

Everything was fine before they started messing around with everything, now it's just a huge lag pain!

Edited by urbanskaters

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I used to be with Dayz.st and had the exact same experience. Dayz.st is the Walmart of Dayzhosting.

I sent a couple of emails saying that I got server lag if I had more than 40 people on. Their "solution" was they offered to set my max population at 40.

Huh? Um ok..... Kinda sounds like Im not the first to have this trouble.

I sent numerous other emails about other things, and I would get VERY short sorta answers or I would get completely ignored.

Ive never been a POPULATED (40+) dayz.st server that didnt run like ass. Short of the one that it looks like is theirs.

I have switched to HFBservers.com and I am very happy.

They actually reply and try to help help. And given that the servers they use are over 1Ghz faster..... its pretty much a win win.

Be warned however, HFB is a REAL server host. As in you have FULL access to EVERYTHING.

With that it isnt as easy to setup as Dayz.st. You actually have to know how to run a server (or learn) and not just press the "easy" button.

Once you get used to it however, you will wonder how you ever settled for Dayz.st.

Edited by 2gunz
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Was on their IRC not too long ago asking why the map loadout editor and map were not responding properly and why there was so much lag recently. There were a few admins on at the time, but non of them answered, over the course of about 15 minutes a few more customers came in asking similar questions and were also just ignored. Then, this guy comes in asking how he can add custom skins or some shit and I'm not kidding you, 2 admins piped up with a very lengthy and helpful reply for him.. So when I lost my temper and asked why he got acknowledgement while the rest of us are being ignored, one admin typed "Oh sorry. What was your question again?" .. One guy in the channel just went "***k this" and logged out (he's probably cancelled his account by now) and there wasn't really much more I could add to that so I left disappointed as well.

There's a lot of suck ups on their IRC telling people to stop complaining and "well, it's just a little lag" or "it's fine my end".. Which doesn't help and the Dayz.st staff seem to side with them often trolling their own customers along with the suckups! It's pathetic really, considering how much money you pay for this service. I wonder if they even give a shit about losing customers this way? I know people already who have quit and moved over to HFB or SurvivalServers, so I'm wondering how long before someone on their team grows up and starts taking these complaints seriously...

On a sidenote. Apart from the recent lag and historically terrible support, the service has been (up until recently) pretty good. I've had people ask me how I managed to get my server to run so fast, considering they are connecting from the states for example and my server is based in the EU. I hope the database maintenance they're doing brings these types of comments back to my server..

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Switch to DayZPriv its what I did and I'd never look back, Same price, better quality and the support is great 24/7 live and they help with almost anything, they even let people have a 3 day trial before you buy


Edited by Shaunova

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The database move they did messed up my white list.. Logged in and found I'd been hacked! Yipeee!

Breath!! in.... and... out!!!

Edited by urbanskaters

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I've had the same problem... massive server lag when there is 30+ players in the server, since the switch over.

It'll be nearly a week tomorrow since the original email as sent. (IRC is useless as they never respond) Shocking service and unless something changes, I'll be leaving and never recommending them to anyone.

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My server has been unusable for the pats 10 hours AGAIN due to yet another DDoS attack. Once again same bullshit. You go and try to complain in their IRC channel and either get ridiculed by the regulars or TOKER (an admin) locks the channel and mocks you from an admins position. The truth is this company don't care, they get enough people signing up and for everyone one that quits another mug signs up in their place. I've made a post earlier today about the recent downtime and attitude from dayz.st here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/134340-repost-dayz-dot-st-downtime-and-poor-support-issues/

I've been getting a lot of flak from people about it. But what are we supposed to do, just sit back and let this company take our money (other peoples money) and not demand a half decent service.

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Do not even try to discuss with people from Dayz.st - they'll lie you about the ddos attacks and other stuff... they will never tell you that it is their fault, every time - sombedy done something wrong but not them.

I had a server there for one month and had enough of their crap... I had unmodiffied *.pbo for their support, and what? Nothing, no support at all... And when I asked them about whitelist... they answered me with a link to a wikipedia. You call that a support???

I switched to http://www.dayzpriv.com/ - when I have a problem I can contact them, they'll gladly help. The price of a server is ok. So... don't even bother with DayZ.st

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hey guys, just want to give my opinion here... I think dayz.st has the best service available (when its not being attacked). Yes the support can be lacking but with the addition of blaine and his personal 1 on 1 approach has helped. Now all that said... If you want to have a server in the top 50 ranks you should look into hosting it yourself. You get what you pay for $30 a month is cheap.... the servers are great servers just over loaded. They are over loaded bc they are cheap. They could charge you more and then lighten the load some but i think this is a good business plan they currently have (its obviously worked).

My full opinion is that dayz.st is the best for someone who is starting out and learning the workings of a dayz server. But once you grow and have a good community going you should really consider moving onto your own hosting. Obviously it's going to be a large cost increase but its worth it if you want to have a better performing server. The learning curve is high but its worth it and i can say its been a lot of fun learning new things.

I'd like to say that I have been hosted on other providers and I've never had a real BAD experience i just found .st to be the easiest to setup / run / make changes. I also frequent the irc channel and I understand why they can no longer provide support from there. People are ridiculous with complaints / demands. If there was anyone to blame for the support it should start with the select breed of dayz community that runs straight to the web to vomit one sided complaints and never tell the honest truth. I've seen people in irc rage for hours about their broken server and how much bs it is that no one can help them only to see them later confess it was something they did themselves to bring the server down.

Perhaps my view is not the same as anyone else because i have an open mind and a level head. I also look at things from more than one view point. Just to cover an angle i do not think any of your opinions are the wrong ones. I think you may have just had a bad experience.

In the end I think new owners would benefit from the simplicity of .st but should understand that with cheap hosting comes slower support and more down time. Is it frustrating? hell yeah! Ever try hosting one of these servers yourself? Imagine your issues x10. I spent 6 hrs just working on a sql issue... I can't imagine how much more difficult it would be to manage 3,000 servers (or whatever the real number is).

good luck hope things get better and if you ever need help/advise with hosting your own server just shoot me an email.

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I agree with the above. Been with them for 4months now and last night was the first time my server was down. Plus, the one and only email I had to send was answered within the hour, on a Saturday no less. Just avoid the irc. The forum is more helpful.

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Dayzpriv.com so far is so much easier to use and had more features than dayz.st go with them they even give you a free 3 day trial to try them out what's to lose.

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