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Greatest sniping shot you've ever caught on film?

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So lots of people let FRAPS (or what have you) run when they play DayZ, right? So there's been lots of crazy stuff captured "On film," so to speak, while playing DayZ.

Unfortunately, I've never been able to snipe a helicopter pilot while recording, which is a real shame...

However, I do believe I've found the greatest sniping shot I've ever made at the end of a video of mine. I'm uploading it in the bandit section due to the nature of the video.


Feel free to mute. The last kill is at 9:20. It's not, obviously, the absolutely greatest shot you've ever seen, but that wasn't too bad, was it?

What is YOUR greatest shot?

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Every time I hit record I have incredibly boring play sessions, lol. :(

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Every time I hit record I have incredibly boring play sessions, lol. :(

The first time I tried DayZ for youtube, everytime I hit record my legs broke. I'm not exaggerating.

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The first time I ever recorded DayZ I was swallowed whole by a rock and instantly reached -15,000 blood. :(

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Well this has nothing to do with sniping (not the video talking about me) I was on namalsk me and my 2 friends were fighting

a crap load of people. my 2 friends were killed in a2 there was swarm of players coming to A2 possibly 13 players it was a free for all kinda the players didn't see I killed 5-6 players with a m14 and one winchester guy came around annnnnnnd killed me but I killed him and some ghillie guy cam and finished me off...

the end

Edited by ChaoticFarva

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i gotten better shots, but one of my favorite is this 900m shot through a tree on a moving target :)

Edit: Skip to 1:50 for the shot :) these videos are old, i have better dayz stuff now ;))

Edited by Anarchyihdi
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Well this has nothing to do with sniping (not the video talking about me) I was on namalsk me and my 2 friends were fighting a crap load of people. my 2 friends were killed in a2 there was swarm of players coming to A2 possibly 13 players it was a free for all kinda the players didn't see I killed 5-6 players with a m14 and one winchester guy came around annnnnnnd killed me but I killed him and some ghillie guy cam and finished me off...

the end

Dude. Do you know what a run on sentence is? You use them belligerently.

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Dude. Do you know what a run on sentence is? You use them belligerently.

Dude. is this school?

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What is YOUR greatest shot?

Recorded or not?

Edit: oops, title. Feel stupid. :blush:

Edited by Gews

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Me? well it WAS recorded it was an hour long :D you don't have to believe me.

Edited by ChaoticFarva

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I tried recording once, did nothing but sit around a camp fire and eat beans.

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Recorded or not? Edit: oops, title. Feel stupid. :blush:


I tried recording once, did nothing but sit around a camp fire and eat beans.

I'd pay to watch you eat beans.

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why are so many of the people you shoot walking?

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Unfortunately it seems like whenever I forget to hit the record button is when I have my best fights. All my recorded fights are nothing to write home about.

I did just have my best sniper shot ever in this game last night though... but it wasn't recorded.

So on a Panthera map I frequent I was in the North mountain range just South of the North airfield. I was moving to an industrial site to look for some parts for a heli I had found. As i'm running I hear a truck driving below me. I get in a tree, and kneel down. Suddenly the truck starts coming up the mountain about 300m out. I put the CZ500 scope on him, and with a quick estimate of 300m started to lead and elevate on this moving truck. He was moving up hill, quartering away from me going from my right to left. I aim, I lead, kept it smooth, and took the shot at the driver (was the only person). Saw blood come out about the height of where his head would be. He tumbled from the vehicle and promptly died.

I was shocked I had made that shot. I'm a good shot, but that shot was a lets just see if I can do it. Surprised the heck out of me. I don't know if he was hurt already, or if I actually did pop him in the head. But my feeling is head shot based on how high I saw the blood appear.

Kicked myself for not hitting record.

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I tried recording tonight, didn't turn out too well, sorry for the 240p, it's the only way I can record.

There were some bandits who had set up an ambush, I killed one, another was hiding in a crane where this video starts. I hit him on the first shot and he ran around to the other side where I could only see a tiny bit of his body, and only when he decided to stand up. I missed a couple times, hit him again... but it didn't end the way I thought it would.

This is the only sniping I've caught on film, and therefore the greatest sniping I've caught on film.

Edited by Gews

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If I could figure out how to get bandicam to record in game, I could record. But whatever.

My greatest shot has been the hills northwest of Stary Sobor, between it and the NWAF. Hacker had teleported everybody to random spots, and had given them all a medical box with an AS50, M4A1 CCO SD, M9SD, a lot of food/drink/med supplies, coyote backpack, and full equipment. I kept my M107, while my friend had an AS50. I linked up with my mate, who was nearby, and we proceeded to head on top of a small hill, because we saw zombies chasing someone. Prones in the bushes with ghillies, we saw another fellow running up the hill across from us. My mate told me it was about one click, and I zeroed accordingly. I lined him up, and took the shot. I missed the first, but hit him with the second. Me and my friend quickly moved before anybody could zero in on us. The guy I had shot had not been the one in the town, and that had me worried. We then proceeded down to Stary Sobor, where I got another kill after a sniper killed my friend. I then logged out for the day.

Those were actually my first two player kills ever.

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This is my longest recorded shot, not too difficult but I only shoot when Im positive that person is going down with 1 shot.

Edited by terrorizer33

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This isn't DayZ, it's single player ArmA2, yet I still think this shot I made today was pretty cool.

One shot - 2,675 meters from the top of Pik Kozlova to a Russian soldier on the Cherno grain elevator (you're probably gonna have to go full screen to even see it).

Edited by Gews

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I have this one... Not a great shot but pretty impressive considering I am only using a winchester.

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Dude. Do you know what a run on sentence is? You use them belligerently.

Dude. Do you know what AI is? Because you're sure using them belligerently.

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