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Do AS50's spawn anymore?

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Edited by ChaoticFarva

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Is that even a serious question...?

Private hive servers *can* modify spawn rates, if they do so want. Just play on public servers and ignore the hassle.

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They still spawn AFAIK. Some admins don't like 50 caliber rifles. Also the AS50 has bugged sights and damage. Some admins also took out the M107 because an update made it "lock on" to targets.

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They still spawn AFAIK. Some admins don't like 50 caliber rifles. Also the AS50 has bugged sights and damage. Some admins also took out the M107 because an update made it "lock on" to targets.

Oh ok I bet this post is going to the graveyard :( LOL

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Is that even a serious question...?

Private hive servers *can* modify spawn rates, if they do so want. Just play on public servers and ignore the hassle.

No it wasn't a serious question just asking...

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Is that even a serious question...?

Private hive servers *can* modify spawn rates, if they do so want. Just play on public servers and ignore the hassle.

But this is a serious question how do you make that banner? :D

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Is that even a serious question...?

Private hive servers *can* modify spawn rates, if they do so want. Just play on public servers and ignore the hassle.

Like do you have to like go to photoshop sorry not really on this site that much. Edited by ChaoticFarva

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Why don't you... err... I don't even... Where to begin...

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Why don't you... err... I don't even... Where to begin...

why don't you...err..shut up :)

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Err...maybe because AS50s are one of the rarest weapons in the game and only spawn at heli crash sites.

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Err...maybe because AS50s are one of the rarest weapons in the game and only spawn at heli crash sites.

I've been looking i found as50s bunch of time with no problem but I don't care no more everyone just calm down and drop it already got the answer Edited by ChaoticFarva

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