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Not some complicated Clan: A DayZ survivor group

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I've seen loads of people asking me to join their groups. But I absolutely hate having to trail through websites, making applications over and over. So, I have made my own group. We don't have a fancy name. We're just a survivor group. You've gotta have Skype and you've gotta be mature. I'm 14, if this affects your decision, I'm not fussed. If you want to join up with us. Reply with your Skype name, your In-Game Name, any skills and any other information about yourself.


1. Do not take stuff out of the tents and vehicles without permission.

2. Always lower your gun when in the camp. (Press Ctrl until your gun lowers. Only works with primary guns.)

3. Pull your weight, scavenge for food for the group, if you become too much of a liability. You'll be warned.

4. All arguments can be settled through chat. No firefights in the camp.

5. When scavenging there is to be no speaking of the position of the camp or speaking about how close the camp is to a certain landmark in any chat. I will handle recruitment. If you have a friend, tell them to send me a request on Skype.

6. When I make a decision, it's final.

I'll add you on Skype if you're accepted. Also, we tend to type in-game/Skype instead of calls so we do not judge by voices.

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Hey Propane,

I'd like to invite you to play on our DayZ server. We have a website, a TeamSpeak, and we also have a couple other maps planned for our DayZ server. We will also be willing to set up a sort of a "base" on our server if we see you online, and actively playing enough. I hope you decide to join. The server can be found below, as well as the website.


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Hey Propane i would like to join your group i have 6 months played and i am a great sniper. My skype is Skullsmacher1 and my in game name is Skullsmacher.

P.S. im in the eastern time zone (GMT-5)

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I'm from the UK, but other camp members are from the US, so as long as you come on at around 3pm (GMT -6) you'll be fine. Also, the server we play onis ExposedGaming.

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Hey man, I would like to join your clan, Im 14 also. If your clan is mature etc, i'd love to be apart of it.

I live in Australia and is one pretty much everyday. Im experienced with ARMA and DayZ as a whole.

Skype: TurkeyFacesSmell

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hey man, id like to join your survivor group,i have been playing dayz for about a year now and i have a lot of experience playing dayz. im 16 , add me on skype: zscratchii

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first off, bravo for making a group without fancy applications, websites, multigaming communities, etc etc *bows*

makes life easier... ingame name - daXx........skype - daXx6655

id love to join and help, the game gets more meaning


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hi i would like to join the group

im 14 and live in the us. i have about 2 months of experience on dayz. Im am pacific time and play about everyother day.


steam name:firemanteam

ingame name:gamer

i was also wondering which servers and maps your groups play in.

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