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About Propane97

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  1. Propane97

    Safe Haven looking for more camp members!

    Suspicious? How? O.o
  2. REQUIREMENTS: Maturity Common Sense Skype We're pretty much educating new players as well as recruiting players for a "Safe Haven" where people can actually sit down and talk, instead of constantly watching their back. Some of you may comment saying "DayZ is about adrenaline you twonk!" Some may not realize, but it's incredibly reassuring to be able to be somewhere safe. In a post-apocalyptic world. Filled with teleporting zombies. Information about me: Age: 14 Location: UK In-game name: EL3KTR0 Skype: ChildOfPropane
  3. I'm from the UK, but other camp members are from the US, so as long as you come on at around 3pm (GMT -6) you'll be fine. Also, the server we play onis ExposedGaming.
  4. I've seen loads of people asking me to join their groups. But I absolutely hate having to trail through websites, making applications over and over. So, I have made my own group. We don't have a fancy name. We're just a survivor group. You've gotta have Skype and you've gotta be mature. I'm 14, if this affects your decision, I'm not fussed. If you want to join up with us. Reply with your Skype name, your In-Game Name, any skills and any other information about yourself. RULES OF THE GROUP: 1. Do not take stuff out of the tents and vehicles without permission. 2. Always lower your gun when in the camp. (Press Ctrl until your gun lowers. Only works with primary guns.) 3. Pull your weight, scavenge for food for the group, if you become too much of a liability. You'll be warned. 4. All arguments can be settled through chat. No firefights in the camp. 5. When scavenging there is to be no speaking of the position of the camp or speaking about how close the camp is to a certain landmark in any chat. I will handle recruitment. If you have a friend, tell them to send me a request on Skype. 6. When I make a decision, it's final. I'll add you on Skype if you're accepted. Also, we tend to type in-game/Skype instead of calls so we do not judge by voices.
  5. Propane97

    Newb Bambi for hire

    Hey, I know I alone am not a group, but do you want to work together? Bambi Squad? :D Pretty much. I'm a mature 14 year old. Yeah. Hard to believe. Also, I scavenge a lot and I am addicted to trying to make camps & bases. If you have skype add me (If not, it's free and easy to download & you don't need a mic): ChildOfPropane My In-Game name is EL3KTR0 by the way. :)
  6. Hey, I'm a basic survivor looking around to join a group of survivors. I'm 14. I know my way around looting and will often find some decent salvage for the group. I never miss a building and will focus on priorities like food, drinks, guns, ammo and medicine. I can also drive most vehicles apart from Buses and Urals (Difficult to maneuver around debris). I also know how to pilot helicopters so I hope I can be a helpful addition to the group! Skype: ChildOfPropane Steam: ChildOfPropane In-game name: EL3KTR0
  7. Propane97

    Looking for someone to play with.

    Skype: ChildOfPropane Age: 14 Mature UK
  8. Propane97

    Looking for more younger players.

    Forgot about this, my skype is: ChildOfPropane
  9. Propane97

    Looking for more younger players.

    Hey, I'm 13. And as long as I don't suffer lag I'm fairly good at DayZ. I try to avoid overly populated servers mainly because it makes me lag intensely and having that on a server of 30 - 50 people? I'll be dead within a laggy minute.
  10. Propane97

    Vet Player looking for clan/team

    We're fairly friendly but will get offensive if you near our Base. Also, we're playing on Taviana. If you have a group, or just want to find a new server to settle on, we're perfect! We're not serious pvp but we will have firefights with other groups for possession over stuff :P :beans: Hope to see you on! :beans: :emptycan: :emptycan:
  11. Propane97

    Looking for 2-3 People to Play With

    We're fairly friendly but will get offensive if you near our Base. Also, we're playing on Taviana. If you have a group, or just want to find a new server to settle on, we're perfect! We're not serious pvp but we will have firefights with other groups for possession over stuff :P :beans: Hope to see you on! :beans: :emptycan: :emptycan:
  12. We're fairly friendly but will get offensive if you near our Base. Also, we're playing on Taviana. If you have a group, or just want to find a new server to settle on, we're perfect! We're not serious pvp but we will have firefights with other groups for possession over stuff :P :beans: Hope to see you on! :beans: :emptycan: :emptycan:
  13. Propane97

    Looking for people

    We're fairly friendly but will get offensive if you near our Base. Also, we're playing on Taviana. If you have a group, or just want to find a new server to settle on, we're perfect! We're not serious pvp but we will have firefights with other groups for possession over stuff :P :beans: Hope to see you on! :beans: :emptycan: :emptycan: