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Why does everyone have a hat?

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Honestly. You go in, and somehow manage to find a hat, and have no need to ever take it off. I know it doesn't affect gameplay, but I still wonder how everyone managed to get a hat, the exact same color and shape, as everyone else, and why the felt the need to wear it.

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hats are good they cover your head

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hats are good they cover your head

they increase your hit box though

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Dude, no hats? Might as well go in naked y0.

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Dude, no hats? Might as well go in naked y0.

B-b-but I like my top hat.

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B-b-but I like my top hat.

almost made me laugh.

Edited by nousernamehelp

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Mine's a Versace. Hands off.

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You have to find hats in the standalone. :)

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You have to find hats in the standalone. :)

Will there be Top hats and Bowler hats?

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Will there be Top hats and Bowler hats?

or monacles.

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Will there be Top hats and Bowler hats?

Probably not, lol.

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Get some camo clothing and you won't have anything on your head!

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TF2 logic:

The more hats you wear, the better a person you are.

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I want a balaclava Not one of those IRA terrorist ones, no , one that looks like it was knitted by your mum. One that makes you look like Dangerous Brian.

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If you read the DayZ back story, the survivors are actually part of a baseball team that was invited to chernarus for an exhibition game when the shit hit the fan.

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If you read the DayZ back story, the survivors are actually part of a baseball team that was invited to chernarus for an exhibition game when the shit hit the fan.

Where did you read that story?

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Where did you read that story?

On the main site, there's a tab called "Sarcasm and gullibility" which explains it in detail.

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Using the word gullible is no longer valid as it was removed from the dictionary.

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Using the word gullible is no longer valid as it was removed from the dictionary.

Ha! Oldie but a goodie.

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Hats will be part of the in game micro transactions. I made a poll and 98pc said you would be disappointed if hats were not permanently lost on death and would not be satisfied unless they cost a fiver for a days wear.

Plus all hats get extra spikes and skulls to make them all exclusive.


ps this is not fact.

Edited by orlok
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