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The ultimate "Zombie Survival Outfit"

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So I've been playing A3 a lot, and I'd say by far the single coolest script I've seen a game community make (dayz-related ones not counting) has got to be the virtual ammobox script. It's fluid, consistent, and beautiful.

And it makes me ask myself, which outfit maximizes ammo capacity, but allows me to stealth?

Which outfit is the slimmest/best for sniping in?

Which outfit will make the enemy mistake me for friendly at range?

Which outfit looks cool?

And now that DayZ SA will have its own clothing system, with each clothing item having various perks and issues, I got to thinking about what oufit I want in DayZ.

I'm going to start from outermost layer in, top to bottom.

Please copy this format for your own idea submissions:

Head: Baseball/ranger cap. Light, comfortable, and keeps the sun out of my eyes. Easy to find, and to replace. Fishing hooks/paperclips can be attached to the bill.

Upper body: Tactical vest http://theopsdeck.com/img.prod.ODT/PROD%20-%20ODT%20BATTLE%20HARNESS%20COMPLETE.front.jpg although with colors that matched the terrain. Carries ammo and emergency medical supplies in easy to reach places, plus a breast clip for your K-Bar.

Combat jacket http://images.arcteryx.com/S10/350W/Combat-Jacket-Black.jpg Preferably of the padded, warm variety. http://www.clearlake.co.uk/feltons/images/products/JAK029.jpg A lot of the same benefits as the combat harness for ammo.

Motivational T-shirt http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs12/f/2006/337/e/c/I__m_With_Awesome_Shirt_Design_by_Killer12137.jpg

Lower body: Cargo jeans


Pistol ammo, MRE, thread/needle, and all those sorts of things. The deeper the pockets the better.

Thermal underwear http://www.amazinghealth.co.uk/thermal-underwear-men.jpg

Boots http://wpecdn.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/400x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/b/0/b0030-002-wellcop_01_1.jpg Good for curb-stomping and walking in glass/gravel.


This depends on the level of zombie outbreak.

If survivors are common and I'm often in human-controlled territories/cities, some kind of long coat so people aren't eying all my gear http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--g30WpeQB8M/TqPQjPRSUtI/AAAAAAAABTc/Wqg1rkzaj8o/s1600/Long+Coat01.jpg

Day Pack http://cache.backpackinglight.com/backpackinglight/images/granite-gear-vapor-day-pack-review-spotlite-review-2.jpg Big enough for all my stuff, small enough to hide under the car seat/not get me sniped.

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Please copy this format for your own idea submissions:

Head: wide-brimmed hat with a decent crown

Upper body: any warm jacket with lots of pockets, maybe oilskin, 3/4 length

Legs: jeans, blue

Boots: any decent hiking boots, no steel toe

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Gun: FKING M4!

If DayZ was more realistic about what guns are and are not abundant in supply and ammo, the M4 models wouldn't be great choices; so far the game's assumed story doesn't say that there's American influence on stopping the disease (Although personally I think it'd be cool if American SpecOps had gone in to help, but after America itself succamb to [or saw its first outbreak of] the disease, it had to call all its men back for their own defence).

But out of everything in DayZ, if ammo was in supply enough, I'd say the PM901 Bizon or MP5kSD; not too big, not too heavy, suppressed, automatic-capable.

If this took place in America...

Ruger 700 bolt action rifle, used by hunters, home-defenders, and the SWAT.

Glock 17/M1911. The first one for abundance, the second one for power and reliability.

K-Bar as my vs. human melee weapon

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Head: Boonie hat or baseball cap, basically for the same reasons as you. Keeps the sun out, useful to keep smaller things keeps rain off my face.

Upperbody: Thermal underwear, a Survival or combat shirt, A utility or combat vest (military or civilian all depends on what I have access to. Shirt with either padded elbows or a pair elbow pads. Water bladder. if its cold then I'd also want a Combat jacket, and a facewrap

Legs: TDU tactical pants, with a pair of themal underwear underneath. Knee Pads

Feet: If I could get my pair on some Combat boots for sure, but otherwise I'd have to go with non-steel to hiking boots with thick soles, and waterproof. Wool socks underneath.

Other Gear: Well I lack advanced knowledge on outdoors survival. I know some basics but I have the advantage of living in the United States where technology is abundant this means that for at least the first months of an outbreak much gear and some food would and a shelter are as simple as stepping into a house, be it a farm house or suburb. And at the first knowledge of an outbreak (assuming I hear about it in advance) this is the gear I would order either online or go and procure myself. Otherwise it would be just part of my dream kit.

As stated above a water bladder about 2 liters, but with a built in filter, Pocket first aid kits, pocket venom and toxicity kits. I agree with the K-bar nothing beats an easy to reach knife in a pinch but i'd also have an urban survival Prybar. basically a small crowbar.

Weapons: As stated a knife such as a K-bar and the Prybar. But I would also have a reliable low maintenance weapons. This could be anything from the famous AK family or Even a FAL but I do not own one. What I do own is a Mossberg 930 12g with several different variations of shells ranging from Half shell mini slugs to 12g buckshot. You can basically maintain that thing with a toothbrush. As a side arm I'd have to say any .22 LR semi auto pistol, why only a .22? Well if I am shooting to kill a zombie, then I am probably aiming for the head, and withing a few meters (and since its a pistol I don't have much more then that) You don't need anything more then .22, also ammo is abundant, less weight and not as loud as a .45

Reference pictures

Tactical Pants


Tactical Shirt

Tactical Crowbar

Water bladder

Hmm I liked this post made do some thinking! I wish more people would reply though I like seeing what people have to say.

Edited by EliteSkittle

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I wish I thought of the tactical pants and prybar.

However, I'm not a big shotgun person. Slugs and shells are heavy, large, and inconvenient, and you're going to lose a fight vs someone with a rifle. Still, I guess a pump-action (was that a mossberg or Remington?) betas a K-bar/prybar any day.

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I pick a shotgun for the my lack of owner ship and I find that in a Zombie survival scenario I bolt action is going to be worse off and a Semi Auto while nice, I won't lie i've just never been the most accurate of shots. I also own the Mossberg in question meaning that it is more available to me, for pick up and Go.

My other dream weapon would be probably your classic FN FAL. My father owns one and is the first gun I ever shot and learned to maintain. Also those suckers are reliable, not as an AK but damn near better then most if any american weapon

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Please copy this format for your own idea submissions:

Yes. Some kind of all-over netting festooned with rotten, week-old meat. Plus a backpack and a gas mask (so that you don't pass out). The undead will assume that you're one of them. The living will try to avoid you. The snipers will be baffled, and won't want to loot your corpse. The meat might deflect some of the bullets, or slow them down a little. Obviously there's a risk of infection - if the rotten meats gets into a gut wound, you're done for - but, hey, even the aliens from Aliens were vulnerable to something.

Alternatively, pig suit. Put it on, pretend to be a pig. But look thin and diseased so that none of the other players kill you for food. Make sure that it doesn't have a sexy butt, for obvious reasons (desperate times). Rabbit suit?

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Yes. Some kind of all-over netting festooned with rotten, week-old meat. Plus a backpack and a gas mask (so that you don't pass out). The undead will assume that you're one of them. The living will try to avoid you. The snipers will be baffled, and won't want to loot your corpse. The meat might deflect some of the bullets, or slow them down a little. Obviously there's a risk of infection - if the rotten meats gets into a gut wound, you're done for - but, hey, even the aliens from Aliens were vulnerable to something.

Alternatively, pig suit. Put it on, pretend to be a pig. But look thin and diseased so that none of the other players kill you for food. Make sure that it doesn't have a sexy butt, for obvious reasons (desperate times). Rabbit suit?

I love you, and you're a genius and all... but yeah, watch out for those Welshmen.

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